The Judeo-American Liberal Order Reaps Chaos: Lessons from Britain and Iran

The Judeo-American Liberal Order Reaps Chaos: Lessons from Britain and Iran

A Contradiction in Principle?

We are now accustomed to holding to principled yet highly marginalized and repressed views. Such is our lot in life, and we accept it without fuss. But it is worth making explicit in writing what many of us instinctually feel with regard to the root common cause of the out-of-control chaos that is engulfing the world at present and the surface contradictions that seem to arise from our principles and general standpoint towards them.

More specifically, our principles – as well as our all-too-human desire to take our own side in the face of external pressure – leads most of us to adopt what is being challenged as two contradictory positions regarding the main events in the latest episode of ‘The Incremental Push Towards Worldwide Catastrophe’ in 2024. Specifically, I refer to the unprecedented and ongoing so-called ‘race war’ in the UK (caused by yet another mass killing by a non-white resident) on the one hand and the seeming race toward war in the Middle East that centres Iran and Israel but will have disastrous regional and global repercussions.

In the first case, we are obviously inclined to take the side of the white British who have clearly snapped collectively after decades of violent crime, grooming scandals, mass casualty terrorist attacks, proliferation of ‘no-go’ zones, declining public safety, two-tier policing, propagandist media defamation and just a general sense of hopelessness, decline and unchallengeable ethnic replacement. In the second case, we are inclined to view the M.E conflict as yet another case of Zionist power forcing the world towards highly dangerous conflict due to its renowned inability to compromise with whoever it views as its racial nemesis of the day. On top of this, I think it is worthwhile to point out that, contrary to system propaganda, men of White vanguard movements are not bloodthirsty monsters who can easily watch children in their own homes blown to pieces or buried under rubble with a clean conscience, particularly if their own tax dollars enable it. Yet there is a kind of schizophrenia relative to the friend/enemy distinction that arises from the simultaneity of these events.

So where then does all this place us?

Anti-Muslim Here, Pro-Muslim There (?)

Like many, I found myself sliding back into old cognitive habits of the 2010s after watching countless videos of mainly Muslim gangs attack White protestors or simple passers-by. The rapprochement that occurred in the last year between Whites and Muslims, after the stream of terrorist attacks in Europe partially subsided and genocide in Gaza took its place in the news, has either reversed or paused.

Many of us softened to Islam and even started to find aspects of Islamic culture admirable, particularly those aspects which highlight what we ourselves have lost: honor, loyalty, perseverance, alignment to a higher purpose and so on. Yet if we ourselves hold to these selfsame principles and, like them, remain steadfastly in favor of our own civilization and our way of being, we cannot help but find Islamic communities in the West as a fifth column that we are destined to oppose. The prospect of another war brings this all the more front and centre.

Where do we as nationalists or third positionists go from here?

The Liberal Judeo-American Order is Still the Culprit

What we can say with certainty is that the system – broadly speaking, the Judeo-American post-WW2 socioeconomic and ideological system – brings chaos and catastrophe in its wake at every level of its influence. As its influence is totalizing, as to is the chaos.

A future article shall deal with effectively demonstrating that the society in which we live is an all-encompassing, inter-referential system. For now, I will take its existence for granted. What is going on with Iran and Lebanon is the fault of the same system that has caused the current racial conflict in Britain.

One obvious tell-tale sign is biased media coverage. This bias ranges from lies of omission to blatant propaganda. Just as we saw the Western media repeat blatantly false information regarding October 7th (‘40 beheaded babies’) while omitting hundreds of hours of footage of Palestinian children maimed and killed by Israeli bombs, we have again seen the media dishonestly smear British protesters as ‘hate-filled thugs’ while omitting the huge amount of video evidence that shows migrant gangs beating and accosting native Britons, often in large numbers with knives, hammers and planks of wood.

Qua system, the state and the media apparatuses play to an identical tune, each serving to reinforce the other. Thus, we here see an alignment of domestic and foreign policy at a tactical level, alongside the specific kinds of lie that the media tells. Just as ‘the System’ at the level of government is broadly on the side of Israel, ‘the System’ is also broadly on the side of Muslims and non-Whites generally in the UK as a matter of course. As the government acts, the media thus paints a picture that justifies and excuses policy and the exercise of political power in tandem. Such a strategy reveals a clear link between what is happening in Britain and Ireland and what is happening in the Middle East. Both are avoidable consequences of a particular system of power, largely promoted by a group whose interests are divergent from the majority of those involved in them.

This in some sense places White dissidents in quite a bind, however, as their preferred antagonists in the domestic sphere are their protagonists in the foreign one.

But therein lies the system’s weaknesses too.

Caught Between a Foreign and Domestic Agenda

The biggest problem that the system currently faces is its inability to reconcile its foreign and domestic agendas. Again, this does and will merit its own future article. But for now, we can simplify things.

The post-WW2 mass project of social engineering conducted on Western populations was designed to prevent the re-emergence of Fascism. In the long-term, this threat was to be nullified by ensuring that there is not even a native majority that could reassert itself in such a bold way as Fascism provides. This process remains on-going. But in the short-term, the deal that it essentially provided was a Welfare state in exchange for assurances on the part of the population to be non-tribal, non-chauvinist, tolerant, permissive and infinitely accepting and flexible.

One consequence of this largely successful engineering programme was that those sculpted by it view their own more self-assertive and tribalist members as the ultimate threat to be challenged. The threat from within was always greater than the threat from without. What was called ‘democracy’ or ‘freedom’ had to be forever defended, with violence if needed, should even a trace of self-assertive tendencies arise at any level.

But as the years progressed, the threshold for what could be considered ‘fascist’ become increasingly harsher. To make a very long story very short, this brought us to the domestic chaos that we live in today, whereby health, family, meaning and culture are vilified and their advocates punished.

What we see in Britain and we saw in Ireland are consequential to this. But at the very same time, the System is fanning the flames of war abroad. As in the early ‘00s, for such a war to go well for the System, it will have to rely on Whites who embody some of those proscribed characteristics. An unhealthy, self-hating, hedonistic, bored and gender-confused populace is not what one relies on in wartime conditions as robust cannon fodder.

Thus the System is itself in a bind as the domestic and foreign crossroads meet, as it essentially dealt with two ‘enemy populations’ (who need not have even been their enemies) using conflicting strategies. Acknowledging this, White dissidents can refuse to give support for foreign wars whilst also condemning the foreign mobs that exist in our societies without any violating a principle of both morality and self-concern.

What Comes Next?

From this I will summarise what I personally believe should be the conceptual foundations of our reactions to the events of the past 3 weeks:

  • We must not give in to attempts on the part of Zionists to redirect genuine native anger over years of abuse into support for wars of aggression against far away nations.
  • We must continue to support peaceful protest and emphasise that the cause of the unrest in Britain and elsewhere are due to the mismanagement of legitimate grievances.
  • We must seek to transform such events into legal support that ensures lasting change on the part of native Europeans.
  • We must ensure that we do not give our lives for a Zionist cause should war arise. History has taught us that, after the foreign threat has been vanquished, the guns are then instantly turned on us and we ourselves suddenly become our own society’s primary enemy. This WILL happen again.
  • While we should not engage in violence and discourage violence in others but we must hold to the line that it is an inevitable consequence of abuse and extreme mismanagement of social ills and concessions must be made to avoid future conflict.

In general, support those close to you, stay smart and always act on behalf of a principle of fair yet firm self-assertiveness in line with local laws. This means that, depending on the circumstance, we can flexibly give our support or condemnation to the kinds of groups waving Palestine flags without hypocrisy, guilt or confusion. As Marxists once said long ago, the system’s own contradictions shall be its downfall.
