Danish Fascism

Danish Fascism

Niccolò Giani

A Fascist movement has existed in Denmark for some time now, called Dansk Samling. The following is the program upon which Danish Fascism has set its sights for battle. We reproduce the text here almost in its entirety:

« Dansk Samling is a national-socialist movement whose purpose is to free the country and the people from the dangers and destructions of democracy. Dansk Samling is the awakening of the people who, without looking at class divisions, seeks to unite the Danish people in national-socialist camaraderie in order to destroy the current government, which is falsely called “for the people” but which in fact attacks the people by promoting class struggle.


Dansk Samling has a perfect understanding of Fascist ideas, by virtue of which we want an authoritarian government with full responsibility before the people.

Dansk Samling is against all the old parties that practice class politics and selfish intervention.


Dansk Samling wants to tenaciously fight at any cost against social-democracy and Communist Marxism, which seeks a so-called dictatorship of the proletariat. Dansk Samling wants to fight against degenerate democracy which loves the lowest instincts of the masses. Dansk Samling wants to fight against liberal recklessness which has demolished faith and morals and thus has been detrimental to the spiritual and cultural life of the people.


We form a Danish front against the evil international spirit which has ruined and divided our people. Under the ancient Nordic “sun” emblem we wish to unite all the people into a single unity, without distinction of classes.


Dansk Samling wants a government with a leader who is above all class interests. Property must be respected. The interest of the people must proceed with the interest of the individual, in perfect harmony.


Work is not only a means of securing a material good, it is the true purpose of life, an ethical value that everyone must feel and from which a camaraderie is born that destroys class hatred and struggle. The worker is not a proletarian merely because he is a worker; the factory owner is not a capitalist just because he owns property. There is no difference between bourgeois workers and peasant workers, nor between those who work with their hands and those who work with their spirit: they are all citizens with high duties towards their country and with the same right to work. Everyone has a duty to work, whether spiritually or bodily. The lazy rich will not be part of the State, nor will the lazy poor. Anyone who does not want to work or does not want to recognize the “national unity of the people” has no right to the State. We believe in work, not alms! The worker asks for work, not alms, and that is his right. Strikes and lockouts will be punished with the loss of civil rights.


Agriculture is the basis of every nation’s existence.


The education of the youth will be made in conformity with the national spirit. We must educate the body with healthy sports and build strength of character, will and a spirit of audacity.


Education will aim towards a masculine ideal and school will no longer have to be, as it is today, “a house of effeminacy”. In today’s schools they teach that women are physically equal to men; because this is incorrect, the error has led to the bad consequence of creating masculine women and effeminate men; and this is harmful to the nation.


To create “a general culture” all remain locked in a circle of mediocre wisdom. Universal, materialist and Marxist views must be eradicated from schools, seminaries and universities. Besides food, people need a spiritual education. Christianity must be protected and materialist-Marxist atheism must be fought. Priests should only be concerned with the spiritual life of the people.


The current materialist-Marxist justice system must be replaced by a Danish-based justice system. Crime increases by virtue of a false conception of “humaneness”; true criminals are being excused by calling them “irresponsible” or “stupid”. We will fight against all the immorality that has been unleashed in our day: morganatic marriages, casual relationships, divorce, abortion, admiration for pornography, international charlatanism, negro culture, nudism, hatred towards the Church and religion, and all things which ridicule or make light of virtue and morality.


The press has the main blame for dividing our people into parties and classes. And since the press has great power in a modern State, it must be seriously monitored in order to ensure that it serves the country and the people with a national spirit. Fake news propagated by the press will be punished, and writings that tend to damage the national spirit will be punished. Amorous art and literature will be prohibited.


Just as we desire internal peace for the people, so we also desire peace among all peoples. But we do not deny the natural quality that exists within every young and healthy soul: that of defending your home. It is the duty of every citizen to defend the borders of the country and the sovereignty of the State. We want a militia capable of ensuring order and tranquility, and capable of giving authority to the State, all of which is necessary for the well-being of the people.


There is a great primitive force in the old Danish nation that the degenerate parties can not destroy. That force is drowned in the soul of the Danish people, but now it must burn in flames as well in order to illuminate the country and the people.


Dansk Samling’s goal will only be achieved through struggle and sacrifice. But the battles will be won and the sacrifices will be made, because the entire existence of the country and the health of the people depends on it. »

These statements are in perfect line with Fascism and demonstrates Dansk Samling’s adherence to the tenets of our revolution.


Besides Dansk Samling, a National Socialist party based on the German model has also emerged in Denmark. But isn’t Fascism unity on the state-national level and solidarity on the international level? So why divide rather than unite and join forces?

Original Article


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