Saving the Poor from Our Good Intentions

Saving the Poor from Our Good Intentions

Brett Stevens 
July 22, 2023

When Gen Xers were kids, we were taught in school that the poor were holy. If you could argue that something was good for the poor, adults would immediately praise you and reward you. Therefore, sociopaths got interested in the poor from an early age.

We may overuse the term sociopath. While psychopaths have a paraphilia or symbolic obsession, sociopaths simply place themselves first, including at the expense of the well-being of others. They are merely individualists.

To an individualist, there is one goal only, which is to make themselves feel important and in control, and everything else can be sacrificed for that. They care about nature, politics, compassion, and culture only as a means toward making themselves look cool.

The greatest expression of individualism may be the popular music concert. The audience, identifying with the performer, see themselves up there; the performer sees himself as made powerful by the crowd. They have a compulsive codependency relationship.

Individualists love the poor. If you want to justify your individualistic pursuits, you simply argue that they help the poor, or make a token gift to the poor and then use that as a entry fee to be able to do whatever you.

In groups, individualists obey the bourgeois demand for subsidized anarchy, and therefore like the saps they are, direct government toward helping the poor. It dumps money on them, which makes many people rich, but the poor stay poor and get poorer as costs rise.

No one wants to admit this in public, but any free money given out by government comes from somewhere, and those people simply raise their fees, prices, and requirements in order to make up for what they have to record as a loss.

No one wants to admit this either, but giving the poor money does not help. If we cut taxes and regulations, maybe reduce litigation costs and other red tape, prices will go down and the less wealthy citizens can afford good lives for a lot less.

Removing those business losses lowers costs and raises quality, getting us out of the cycle of planned obsolescence and corner-cutting that has plagued American life since the taxes went up. The only way out of this cycle is to cut all of it and start over.

Original Article


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