Funny Stuff

Funny Stuff

America is an autistic faggot perched on a custom chopper made out of legos with a gay nigger riding on the back destroying everything in its path while spraying body glitter, anal lube, AIDS blood, and vomit in all directions

“You see, the problem with the Republican party is that its too provincial,” former Governor Mitt Romney explained to Stephen Colbert in June, 2012. “Me, I’m international. Now I don’t mean that in some Playboy fuckwad way – you know I don’t go around sniffing panties in the Orient like some sweaty sex tourist, and I sure as shit don’t visit Prague with some dumpy twat then upload the pics to Facebook. What I mean is I asked myself, ‘how can we get a finger on the pulse of the world – as conservatives?’ So I went to Syria to get ideas from Mr. Assad.” Romney continued, “I got a grand tour of this excellent country from these Shabiha militia men. These guys are great conservatives. I mean they don’t have to do anything other than flex on people Assad doesn’t like, pump injectable dbol and Turkish growth hormone, fence DVD players and TVs, and lay entire villages to waste. It reminds me of my young Mormon days, when I went on a mission and was hosted by Idi Amin and he let me poke the eyes out of regime enemies with an authentic Zulu spear. Anyway, what I learned from the Assad people is that real conservatism is about direct action and kicking the living fuck out of people, powerlifting, assassinating commies and Salafis, stomping Jew faces, and tearing up pussy. It’s not about being a fucking lemon farmer or criticizing people who kill Jews.”

Dr. Brandt’s position is that Donald Duck should be gibbeted because he starred in a movie house reel one time where he performed the Charleston in a lewd manner, thus inspiring flappers to be plied by rapacious Negro jazz musicians bearing reefer.

I believe IR’s position is that German-America has been transformed over many decades from a population of critical thinkers with a tangible rootedness to Christendom into a gaggle of thoughtless boobs who seal clap over Jewish wars and join jagoff gun clubs and take delight in the sound byte stylings of Hannity and O’Reilly – and he’s right. If you think he’s not, visit rural Wisconsin and talk to the local squareheads. Just don’t criticize the government in their presence or they’ll try to throttle you with their sausage-like cheese stained fingers.

I think in America you’re “liberal” if you want Negroes to gangbang your daughter, and you’re “conservative” if you want one Negro to marry her and start behaving himself.

The Negroes are unique b/c like 1800 pointed out, they just use their sinecure to try to live like the Monopoly guy. They don’t work to improve the political power of Blacks generally like Chinese or even Mexicans do. Give a Black a no-work job funded by federal pork to the tune of 150k/year, and he’ll buy a Mercedes, torture waiters, pretend to be a pimp, then declare bankruptcy. Give a Chink the same job and everyone from his village is suddenly living well and he’s laundering money through a Chinatown ‘community center’

Stubby: build a time machine

Thomas777: Thomas Friedman wrote an op-ed on that. He caught a Virgin airways flight to Calcutta and then he went to Cinnabon, and there he met a rickshaw driver who invented his own job by building a time machine. Friedman was so impressed that he installed the time machine on his Segway and he and the coolie had dinner with Caligula


Every generation is charged with the often daunting task of chronicling the lives and letters of its greatest thinkers. As I boy, I recall reading John Kennedy’s ‘Profiles in Courage,’ and being moved by the salutary reverence that the fallen President had afforded to his contemporaries, many of whom he had traded hostilities with from the opposing side of the aisle. As a grown man, when I came to serve in the cabinets of many internet warlords, mired in the serious business of internet racialism, I came to appreciate Kennedy’s sublime humility even more. Most of the readers will not have any personal recollections of Kane123123 or his sometime cyber-sex buddy Osmium14. Some might even allow their view of this historical giant to be colored by the fact that he carried on late night fap sessions with a fellow internet troll. I’d behoove those readers to understand and appreciate that great men are often inspired by their eccentricities, and to bear in mind that behind every J. Edgar Hoover, is an abidingly loyal Clyde Tolson.

Those of them who do remember the great internets wars that shaped the world we now live in, probably remember Kane as the ‘creator of stupidity watch,’ but he was far more complicated than his public image revealed. He was a Coonist who proudly and unashamedly declared his ‘support for Pol Pot’ before an enraged gallery of 3 or 4 viewers. He onetime even selflessly donated the $5 in lunch money that his mother had given him to Chaim Ben Pesach, so that the cause of 1970s Kike Karate Man Zionism would not be defeated by mayonnaise slurping net-nazis and cackling CI warlords whose anti-Semitism had been hardened by loony bin stints on the taxpayers’ dime.

Ultimately, to understand the early 21st century, we must understand the life and legacy of Kane123123. And there is no better way to know this warrior-poet, Kahanist/Coonist, Pol Pot–supporting, panoptic watcher of stupidity than to read the man’s own words, collected here for posterity.

“He’d be 93, yet we have good reason to suspect he may still be alive.”

— Jake Featherston

Yeah, right. The Nazis (at least those ones old enough to have obtained medical degrees prior to 1945) are dead. Long dead, in most cases. Snidely Whiplash indeed. Don’t make light of this. The doctor in question developed a Methuselan formula during his service at Auschwitz by (in collusion with Hugo Drax) extracting fluids from the pituitary glands of Jewish virgins… the bodies of which were used to fuel a flying saucer that squirreled him (along with Hitler’s brain and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem) to a lunar powered base in Antarctica. Truth be told, I wouldn’t be surprised if the surviving Nazis that currently threaten world peace have developed cybernetic limbs and ESP.

“white man sell us whiskey and take potatoes – kill potato god. white man eat da poo poo.” – Ireland

You’re a delusional moron of rare intensity who is afflicted with a particularly infantile narcissism.

People who aren’t masochists or mentally retarded don’t want to read the shitposts of an elderly LARPer on welfare who wiles away the hours by posting (hundreds of times a day) on topics dear to him such as 1) psychiatric medicines, 2) underaged girls, 3) the “laziness” of niggers, 4) being the Scottish overlord of space, 5) sophomoric “anti-Christian” tirades of the kind found written in the liner notes of old King Diamond albums.

That’s the list of particulars.

Kamandi, nobody joins ‘What Pare’ groups. The interplay between you guys (the antis) and your sworn, White Trashionalist enemies is some sort of running LARP game that you all have convinced yourselves is real. It’s positively Manichean, in all honesty… I noticed that when I watched the youtube vid of the VNN Knoxville ‘rally.’ One one side, were a bunch of Ed Gein lookalikes, ferris wheel mechanics, and bucktoothed townies with Luftwaffe caps on that they filched from their granddaddy’s closet, and across the street opposing them were a bunch of fat chicks, ex-high school band geeks with severe psoriasis, and flaming homos in clown makeup. In other words, for every Mike Mazzone, there exists and equally mentally retarded and dysgenic (yet ‘ideologically’ opposed) BenFromCanada.

It’s pretty well accepted that Canada is the most ludicrous place on planet Earth. It’s sort of like if a bunch of kindergarten teachers, after-school youth counselors, and gay rights activists were put in charge of a country.

First they came for 50 billion dollar Ponzi scammers, and I was not a sociopathic, indoor-Gypsy kleptomaniac so I said nothing; then they came for bloodthirsty warmongers who duped the world’s most powerful government into spilling blood and treasure for greater Judea and I was not a bug-eyed Likudnik so I said nothing; then finally they came for demented, Anne Frank worshipping Eurotards and there was nobody left to speak for me…

Keystone is voting for McCain because McCain is a Justice League member in good standing on grounds of his being sodomized with bamboo shoots by slanty-eyed Commies many moons ago, he is committed to a TapouT foreign policy, he supports custom choppers, and he has a running mate that reminds over the hill Yinzers of some broad in their high school that they and their teammates pulled a train on astride a ‘Space Invaders’ pinball machine at the local watering hole back in ‘78. The happy ending is that after poking the touchscreen with his increasingly arthritic digits, Keystein can then delightedly seal-clap like Sarah Palin’s retarded progeny on a ferris wheel… and what really matters is that the voters feel special and appreciated.


Ivan Judenrauser, aged 89, a wanted war criminal who is purported to have served with the 6,000,000th Haman battalion of the SS-TV, entered the Washington DC Holocaust Museum early this afternoon and opened fire with a Luger pistol made from the femurs of Treblinka victims that had been owned by Hitler himself.

Abe Foxman commented; “This is proof that the fuckin’ Goys are still pigs after all these years! Purim 2009!” Shecky Sheckelberg, a witness to the shooting said, “I thought I left all this behind in Russia – Putin and his Gestapo took everything I had, from my Faberge egg collection to my 12 year old sex slaves! We’re not safe anywhere in the world!” An oddly dressed passerby who asked to be identified as “Joe McCarthy” (no relation to the deceased United States senator) told reporters; “This is typical myopic anti-Semitism, and its exactly the kind of terrorism that Geert is going to stamp out!”

It’s reported that all available forces of the US Army have been called upon to take Judenrauser into custody and that Homeland Security has raised the terror alert level to fuchsia.

Huff. Post, like all entertainment/news media, is a schizophrenic dialog. MSM can’t decipher its own cackling inner voices any longer.

The Israeli shitbird in the video who is thumping his chest like a Bonobo while yammering about Obamacare is saying that single payer socialized medicine is a positive good because Israel is an ideal state on Earth and America should be like Israel. The sun-baked Yenta in the IDF couture t-shirt is another Jew who is heckling his Obama support by likening Obama to Hitler. Izzy #1 is claiming that Izzy #2 is anti-Semitic for talking about Hitler, and Izzy #2 is responding by claiming he is like Hitler for objecting to her likening him to Hitler because Obama is actually like Hitler.

It’s dum-dum Talmud superstition meets Who’s on First and dum-dum Goys observing it are misreading it because they think Hitler is a Lovecraftian sea-beast that can be summoned if people utter his name. They’re not really initiated into the folk superstitions of Jewry; they’ve just gleaned some version of it through the television/educational/policy dialog that employs Hitler as polestar for “bad.”

[fill in the blank], what does your tasteful Chinese kanji tattoo that is on your shoulder that means “courage,” your nipple piercing, your retro clothing, the fact that you’re a free-thinker who is well informed because he read Rachel Maddow’s book, the fact that you had a threesome with your male friend and his girlfriend to ‘advance’ your sexuality, your herpes sore on your lower lip that always flares up around Hanukkah time, the fact that you are anxiously awaiting a new release by “Kings of Leon,” and your pouty, fiercely independent, duckface photograph style say about you – as a PERSON

OK – your posts are becoming less and less pathetically comical and more and more depressing.

This lame-ass “pussy bund” insult that your friend Frazier Glenn Miller coined – IIRC, he intended it to be some hard hitting insult aimed at people who weren’t sufficiently enthusiastic about his schoolgirl crushes on serial killers like Joseph Paul Franklin – sort of encapsulates what a clown society “White Nationalism” is.

I mean, take a look at yourself – you and Miller are both elderly losers in life who are spending your ‘golden years’:

1) sending fan mail to serial killers, a hobby befitting perhaps emotionally disturbed, jr. high school aged heavy metal fans;

2) In Miller’s case, emulating the white-nigger serial killers that fed his masturbatory fantasies for years by way of murdering old white men, white children and white women;

3) Obsessively ranting and raving about other elderly losers, whose existence is unknown outside of the fetish subculture of nominally “white” elderly mongrel males who play dress-up in Nazi Halloween costumes that wouldn’t be out of place in the homosexual nightclubs of 1970s NYC;

4) *and this is one of the most irritating habits of you old queens* Attempting to introduce German language malapropisms into the daily stream of diarrhea that flows from the hole underneath your respective snouts. You fools aren’t Germans – you’re mostly melungeon, mongrel Southern trash, you’ve nothing in common with the men of the Third Reich, you’ve no more connection to NS Germany, to Prussia, to Arminius, or anything German than the average ghetto dwelling nigger does.

In fact, one of the really positive contributions of the Third Reich – as Lothrop Stoddard grudgingly acknowledged – was their view that anti-social personalities, criminal mongrels, sociopathic cretins, and other human trash should be dealt with swiftly, terribly, and without emotion. In the Third Reich, people like you, like Miller, like Covington, would have been unceremoniously done away with – because you’re the very definition of a blight on a would-be healthy racial organism. In 1933 Germany – you’d be cooling your heels in a detention camp shouting KPD slogans, next to Miller (who’d busily be masturbating vigorously while writing love letters to Peter Kurten) and Covington – who’d likely be sucking his thumb in between babbling like a schizophrenic on grounds that advanced syphilis had eaten away most of the frontal lobe of his brain.

It’s fucking comical really – the likes of the “Melungeon Bund” (i.e. you and Miller) suggesting you have something in common with National Socialists is like some crackhead nig in Detroit dressing up like a Pharaoh and claiming that himself and his friends are “Nubian Kings of Egypt.” Then again, you’re all delusional niggers – delusional niggers come in varying shades.

Keystein’s Saturday itinerary:

  • 7:30AM: Wake up, eat stale Lucky Charms
  • 9:30: Spray Febreze on “One Race: The Human Race” T-shirt
  • 11:30: Dutifully attend book club meeting in which he is token male member. Discuss enduring racism in America in the context of Richard Wright’s “Black Boy”
  • 1:00pm: Make awkward conversation with random Black pedestrians to showcase tolerance credentials on the way to local “Hillary in 08” campaign office.
  • 1:15 to 3:00pm: Distribute Hillary campaign buttons to passerby while saying “she gonna win!”
  • 3:30 to 4:30 pm: Log onto The Phora and castigate Phora members with canards about skin color
  • 5:00 pm: Experiences racist thoughts on account of the young Blacks outside of the CVS pharmacy tripping him on the way home. Proceeds to stick needles into his groin every time he thinks of the word “Nigger.”

So basically your saying that raping a 9 year child is ok and when we speak out against it, you claim we are hysterical PTA mothers, mongoloid idiots or some kind of mutated organism

— poitin

I’m pointing out that you’re an idiot – you read theology and the legends therein and instead of apprehending that these things describe saints, martyrs, divine ordination, supernatural occurrences and the like you determine that the issues presented are “child safety” and “pedophiles” and a remedial need to “speak out.”

It would be like reading about Noah and the deluge and concluding, “this goes to show ya that people need to not build cities on flood planes! We also need better public safety departments!”

It’s laughably autistic.

You’re assuming that this woman is a rational person… she’s not. She’s a disturbed ideologue.

I read the entire article over lunch today, and the “rape” description read like Harlequin romance paperbacks cum 1980s Dark Brothers porn vids. The sheer luridness of it, including but not limited to, her statement of “this was a prison rape” sounds like the stuff of a Donny The Punk fantasy.

From there she goes on to invoke Eldrige Cleaver as learned authority and engage in apologetics for his claims that raping white women is a legitimate form of political insurrection, while making sure to mention that she marched for ‘fair housing’ down Chicago ave. in Evanston during the 1970s and got her cherry popped by a Black guy.

Of course, there is the small matter of her “rapist” drawing class x liability for his conduct, but crazy ladies tend to get spiteful when guys treat them shabbily after blowing a wad. Plus, let’s face it… being a “rape victim” earned this slattern all sorts of sympathy, attention, and credibility she might otherwise not enjoy. Shit, now she can teach seminars on books like “Against Our Will” and “Intercourse” AS WELL AS seminars on anti-racism. Her entire career was built on this narrative.

There is also the fact that the events she described simply don’t make any sense… but I doubt this was broached on cross-exam, being that “Rape Shield” precluded defense counsel from exercising his client’s rights pursuant to the confrontation clause.

I respect all of you guys, but those of you who think that this woman is a lost soul who was merely “brainwashed” are kidding yourselves. Is this woman malicious? Yes. Is she a crazy lady? Yes. Does she know exactly what she is doing? Also, yes.

Andrea Dworkin self-owned when she’d claim that men were trying to rape her. That’s like saying “Negroes are trying to steal all my books and read them in their entirety”

Having a clown government is one of the ways America antagonizes the world I believe. It’s a ‘gaslighting’ maneuver. America will menace you with some kind of horrific aerial assault, and send Hillary Clinton or some other bizarre clown to “negotiate.” Normal groups of people don’t have any idea how to respond to such things, so anything they do will be “wrong” within the parameters of the rigged psychological game.

It’s like Caligula making you salute his horse who has been made a “general,” and if you don’t he’ll torture you to death or invade your territory.

I’ve been wondering when the wages of Clown Government would catch up with ZOG since Clinton fagged it up with his saxophone opposite late-nite standup acts. There was no way that the rest of the planet – especially proud and sanguinary (if often lacking in reason and cultural poise) people like Arabs, Russians, Chinese etc. – would indefinitely tolerate being availed to moral lectures, usury and the threat of unprovoked military assaults by literal clowns, pathetic white-trash celebrities, nigger frontmen propped up by personality cults that would be the envy of Brezhnev, and the rest of the circus folk.

Well, that day has arrived I believe – imagine if you’re Putin or Assad… a portion of your daily life entails being told that you must abide the whims, orders, and demands of “the indispensable nation” – a state that is helmed by women who rail against cartoon frogs, bullying, and naughty words.

I speculate that actual heads of State must believe they are being subjected to some bizarre PsyOp attack when they meet American elected officials.

Ridicule is a poor substitute for thought.

— Graves

Senility and cowardice are poor substitutes for integrity.

People like you are the heirs to a plot created by people Samuel Francis called beautiful losers; but you lack the style, integrity, and eloquence of your predecessors. You’re simply losers.

You know, the “liberals” you like to tip your sword at actually have contempt for you people for good reason – you’re a gaggle of clownish mockingbirds who desperately try to conform to your enemy’s moralist cants and stumble over your own feet in doing so, all the while crowing out some sickly, self-abasing facsimile of the opprobrium they cast upon you.

“Caw! Caw! I’m not a racist! Caw! Caw! I know I am indebted to the Negro race! Can I now please have a slice of humble pie?” crowed the senile old mockingbird.

Mars needs women; America needs men, Old Man Graves.

Shark Destructo (CNN correspondent, Israeli affairs expert, Yad Vashem historian, GLBT advocate, IDF veteran, and military analyst) reports from Newport, Connecticut.

December 19, 2012

I arrived in Newport by way of a private chartered flight when I heard that children had yet again been murdered by the combined forces of anti-semitism, Republican racism, white privilege, gun ownership, homophobia, and simple goyische ignorance.

Mind you, I am no stranger to violence. I served in Iraq for 7 hours as an adjutant to Paula Broadwell during a layover in Baghdad en route to Amman, Jordan. For my willingness to risk life, limb, and sanity for the American people and freedom, I was awarded 700 medals, including the Platinum Cock With Oak Leaf Testicles, the Order of Barney Frank, the Anti-Bullying Medal, and a Presidential citation for excellence in military sport recreation (I excelled at felching, which along with writing My Little Pony fan fiction and knitting has become one of the officially endorsed sporting activities of the United States military.

Arriving in Newport, I noticed with great displeasure that former Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney had already preceded me and was speaking to local media about the significance of the events. I bulled my way past these local reporters using my CNN credential pass and asked Mr. Romney for a few on-the-record comments about the events that had transpired. I also wanted him to take responsibility for the shootings, as Mr. Romney’s party is a party that (along with supporting white privilege) supports the murder of children with guns. Romney’s comments were as follows:

“Look, soy-tits, this whole fucking circus here is horseshit – having to dodge bullets and face danger is good for kids. Shit, they need it. I owe my own success to this kind of natural selection. You probably don’t know this, but the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints owns a number of planets – we were working on space travel and terraforming while you fuckers were busy working on helping niggers make model volcanoes out of play-doh or whatever the fuck you do. Anyway, the Mormon planet that is used for early childhood education is known as Infernus 898765454 – and its a massive desert where average temperatures reach 300 degrees Fahrenheit, and the only liquid matter present is an enormous lake of concentrated acid that is located near the northern pole. Now it would be one thing if the place wasn’t populated, but the indigenous species there are real motherfuckers. They’re self-aware robots that also have organic parts – their arms for example are electric eels, and their heads are those of silver-backed gorillas. Instead of eyeballs, they have magic 8-balls plunked in their sockets, and the only message that ever appears on the floating triangle is, ‘Pray for Death, Faggot.’ Basically, when you turn 8 years old, the Mormon Church sends you to serve the Infernians, and only 1 out of a million survive.

Most Mormon children are immediately seized by these monsters and pressed into service in the Infernus Youth Choir – but you see, the Infernian definition of “choir” is different than ours, ok? The Infernians find the sound that an eyeball makes when it is punctured by staples to be highly stimulating – so their youth choir consists of hundreds of thousands of kids having their eyeballs popped in some kind of musical unison. Those that avoid being forced into the choir are forced to toil in salt mines or offered jobs as courtesans. I lucked out because I know a lot of nigger jokes and card tricks, so I became the one in a million of the class of 1958. I’m not any barstool Barsoomian, you see, son – I’m a bona fide space lord. Heil Hitler.”

Mr. Romney’s white privileged comments might be easily dismissed as the personal opinions of an individual privileged, heteronormative, white male, but they are tragically all to common.

I don’t care if you were dancing with a half dozen Latvian hookers while downing a 1/5 of Blue Label and kicking Sumner Redstone in the dick with steel toes on… doing anything to the strains of Def Leppard is, on the gay scale, between quoting HBO original programming while sleazing on bar sluts and being on a first name basis with the towel boy at the local bathhouse.

Science, technology, White people, men, literary plots, theology/religious belief(s), the unique properties of human life and consciousness is 1) boring, 2) possibly evil, 3) subversive, 4) likely sexist, and 5) not “with the times.”

Normal people are moved by edifying and glorious things that indicate mental stability of the advocate – things like 1) Developing a social identity around sexual paraphilias involving inserting things in ones’ anus; 2) Thulsa Doom-esque personality cults dedicated to worshiping random Congoids; 3) Diabetes Type II: Electric Boogaloo; 4) Cock and ball torture; 5) Electing the first genderqueer gay nigger robot cat with Downs Syndrome President (his name is “Peaches”) so that Peaches the cat can establish the Youth Sodomy Enforcement Administration.

This isn’t anything new – its just more of a tired trope that is endlessly play-acted by ZOG’s entertainment division every decade. Some intellectual bore like Derbyshire or Lawrence Auster or Charles Murray every few years writes an op-ed or pens a paper indicating that maybe niggers are bad neighbors or that they aren’t very smart, and on cue, hysterical and caricaturish liberals start shrieking like a schoolmarm who discovers a stash of porno mags in a student’s desk.

Derb is a fucking idiot and he’s irrelevant, and his article is fucking stupid. It’s deliberately written with a precocious affectation and its pointless. It’s moronic attention seeking. It’s the equivalent of Howard Stern telling a dick joke on the air, because “people can’t handle the truth.”

Anyone who thinks that a) people aren’t actually aware of nigger social pathologies and b) that White parents sit down their kids and explain to them that they need to avoid Six Flags parks when niggers are there while also seeking out “Black friends” for careerist reasons is a complete and total weirdo or they’re entirely out of touch with reality.

You should look at this Derbyshire situation as more of the same obnoxious, faggotty, carnival-like make believe discourse that is entirely characteristic of controlled media. Derb is supposed to rail against the goshdarn libruls and whine about nigger crime, his opponents are supposed to act shocked and outraged and claim that his naughty words are outside the scope of respectability. Then, some other Jew faggot like Bill Maher will weigh in with a nasally inflection about “where do we draw the line?” and all the idiot goy viewers will decide that they’re really “cued in” to the important issues of the day.

If it weren’t for TV and movies, I wouldn’t know anything about crime. For example, I haven’t been to NYC, but I know from watching “Law and Order” that the city is under siege by blonde-haired White men in their 20s and 30s and the only thing standing between them and civilization is portly Negress judges and states attorneys and Howard Hawks femme fatale policewomen in camel-toe pants.

In all honesty, the gayest thing I have ever come across on the internet is the presence of timid, cripplingly socially retarded, aspie kids who live a bleak and neutered existence as the butt of jokes at the hands of their office superiors and all the other cruel “normal” people and who compensate with bitchy, passive aggressive yet totally off-base digs on message board forums towards their internet rivals.

Christ, its almost as gay as lying about being married and wildly successful or claiming to put up absolutely sick weights in the gym in the presence of people who’ve seen you’re “MySpace” account and took note of your, mush-faced, androgynous mug.

None of that, of course, is as gay as scrupulously cataloging what perfect strangers say on the internet over the course of years and months in a pitiable (yet geekishly impressive display) of idiot savant acumen in the vain hope that next time you are exposed as the sniveling little twat that you are in the real world, you can clumsily attempt to impeach the credibility or character of internet posters at an opportune moment and convince yourself that you’re really not just a bean counter who’s never lived as a man for a single minute of his life and that you’re actually some kind of Christian soldier.

Then again, maybe you just suffer from “heavy flow,” as your bitchy moodiness seems to emerge cyclically.

Jenkem sniffing, cannibalism, infant rape as recreation, and wearing Bart Simpson shirts and stage wigs while firing AKs at civilians with your dong hanging out “isn’t what it looks like.” I learned all of that during my time on ‘MootStormFront.’

It’s an odd thing, I remember a decade ago in college, apologists would say “this sort of thing is awful, and its a testament to the brutal legacy of colonialism.” These days, what we hear from the usual suspects is “all of this is normal… nothing to see here.” Perhaps they are trying to prepare us psychologically for America in 2050.

I have a tattoo of two leathermen on choppers getting married on an aircraft carrier that is floating on the Bering Sea, and the minister marrying them is an anthropomorphic blue crab who is holding a flaming Quran and wearing a yarmulke. In the sky behind the carrier is the ghost of Martin Luther King, depicted as St Michael, and Harvey Milk depicted as St Gabriel. The sun is making a duckface and giving a thumbs up while he makes the moon TapouT in a rear naked choke. I show it to girls sometimes and then they offer me first date bareback anal. — Michael Moore

White trash hicks have been destroyed by the Internet. They can’t cognitively handle it. It’s like when Pygmy headhunters first encountered firearms or Comanches were given whiskey

Kamandi, nobody joins ‘What Pare’ groups. The interplay between you guys (the antis) and your sworn, White Trashionalist enemies is some sort of running LARP game that you all have convinced yourselves is real. It’s positively Manichean, in all honesty… I noticed that when I watched the youtube vid of the VNN Knoxville ‘rally.’ One one side, were a bunch of Ed Gein lookalikes, ferris wheel mechanics, and bucktoothed townies with Luftwaffe caps on that they filched from their granddaddy’s closet, and across the street opposing them were a bunch of fat chicks, ex-high school band geeks with severe psoriasis, and flaming homos in clown makeup. In other words, for every Mike Mazzone, there exists and equally mentally retarded and dysgenic (yet ‘ideologically’ opposed) BenFromCanada.

I have met women like this a few times. They think they are so beautiful and desirable that they can be honest about their gold-digging aspirations and it will make no difference. One memorable time I was asked, out of the blue, in mid-conversation: ‘what car do you drive?.’ She then explained that she was here looking specifically for men who drive expensive cars. I don’t think this type of woman is unusual in posher venues.

The trouble is that everybody decides that they are going to scrupulously honor chivalry when confronted by these little animals… which is tantamount to trying to talk it over with a badly behaved dog when it shits on the rug.

The proper response to the sort of vulgarity described in the initial post is to approach the offending, feral female in question with a Max Baer-type swagger, grope her playfully, and if she objects, ask her if she’s ever had her belly slit open and her insides festooned about like so much silly string at a retarded kid’s birthday party.

If she still wants to act like a cunt after that, you should probably just dump your drink on her and punch her in the gut (aiming for those precious ovaries of course).

Hope this helps.



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