A Peek At Post-Affirmative Action Academia

A Peek At Post-Affirmative Action Academia

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Didn’t I say we’d be better off with honest quotas? From City Journal:

In January, the New York Times interviewed several high school seniors, asking them about the college-application process since the U.S. Supreme Court struck down affirmative action last June. All but one of the students told the Times that under the advice of their high school counselors, they had, following the ruling, rewritten their college application essays to highlight their race or ethnicity.

The Times described one Hispanic student who said that she had originally written her essay about a death in her family, but “reshaped it around a Spanish book she read as a way to connect to her Dominican heritage” after the ruling. Another student had “wanted to leave his Indigenous background out of his essay,” but later “reworked it to focus on an heirloom necklace that reminded him of his home on the Navajo Reservation.” The most dramatic change came courtesy of an interviewee who identified as both black and Asian: “The first draft of Jyel Hollingsworth’s essay explored her love for chess. The final focused on the prejudice between her Korean and black American families and the financial hardships she overcame.”

Not only do we discriminate against whites; we discriminate against non-whites who are insufficiently anti-white, as indicated by these students who know they’d be crippling their applications relative to the competition if they had failed to play the grievance game.

Original Article


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