Candace Owens Out at Daily Wire After Criticizing Israel

Candace Owens Out at Daily Wire After Criticizing Israel

Chris Menahan

Conservative firebrand Candace Owens, who was targeted by the Anti-Defamation League and various rabbis for her criticism of Israel’s ethnic cleansing campaign in Gaza, is out at the Daily Wire.




The Anti-Defamation League, who Ben Shapiro started lionizing in the wake of October 7, accused Owens of spreading “vitriolic antisemitism” one day before the Daily Wire gave the orders to part with her.




As a reminder, Ben Shapiro said Owens was “absolutely disgraceful” for taking an America First position on the Israel-Gaza war.

All the Israel First pundits who’ve advertised themselves as “opponents of cancel culture” got together to cancel Owens for her criticisms of Israel.



Of note, The Young Turk’s Cenk Uygur celebrated Owens being fired for spreading “anti-semitic tropes”:

Owens said she plans to continue her show on her own YouTube channel (it looks like the Daily Wire won’t let her use her Candace Owens Podcast page with 3 million subscribers).

No doubt they’ll be targeting her there next.

Let this be a lesson in how real power works.

Original Article


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