Caste Comes to America

Caste Comes to America

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Jared Taylor

We can solve everyone’s problems.

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What may be the largest Hindu temple in the world opened just this month – in Robbinsville, New Jersey, of all places.

It was built by the Hindu sect Bochasanwasi Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha, mercifully known as BAPS. It sits on 180 acres just east of Trenton, the state capital.

That white building at the back is nearly 200 feet high. The gold statue is 42 feet tall. The interior, as you can see, is almost otherworldly.

There are reportedly 13,500 statues in the building. They are all peaceful, demure Hindus like these, fit for Americans.

None of the racy stuff you sometimes get in temples in India.

I confess to finding this place amazing. I would never have guessed there was anything like it in America.

You might expect one in Britain – this is the London temple.

Credit Image: © Chris Radburn/PA Wire via ZUMA Press

But BAPS has got these things all over the US. This one is in Houston.

Credit Image: © Aura Fuentes/Notimex/Newscom via ZUMA Press

There’s an equally fancy spread in Chicago, and here is the dedication of the Atlanta temple.

Credit Image: © Erik S. Lesser/ZUMA Press

Are these things the glorious fruits of diversity? Or a jarring presence in what we thought was the United States? And how can BAPS afford to build these palaces?

Credit Image: © Rick Findler/PA Wire via ZUMA Press

The Robbinsville extravaganza is supposed to have cost $96 million, and 13,000 people are said to have spent 12 years building it, many of them volunteers. You see, BAPS improves the world “by fostering the Hindu ideals of faith, unity, and selfless service.”

Some of these selfless servers may not have been volunteers, after all. As the New York Times reported in 2021, “Hindu Sect Is Accused of Using Forced Labor to Build N.J. Temple.”

According to investigators, BAPS lured men from India, with promises of nice jobs, then confiscated their passports, locked them up on the job site, and put them on lentils and potatoes. But they were paid – about $1.20 an hour. The men came in legally under R-1 visas, which are supposed to be only for “Ministers and non-ministers in religious vocations and occupations.”

These guys weren’t ministers; they were grunt workers who did dangerous manual labor. According to investigators, BAPS told them to lie to US consular officials, and claim they did specialized religious artwork. Our crack foreign service fell for it.

Just last month, the state of New Jersey publicized a company-wide stop order against one of BAPS’s temple subcontractors and fined it $195,000 for all sorts of labor violations.

Now, BAPS is accused of squeezing selflessness out of hundreds of Indian men to build all those gaudy temples all around the country. Furthermore, what started out as a civil suit is now on hold while the feds launch a criminal investigation.

This is the biggest human trafficking case since the El Monte Thai garment slavery case, in which poor Thai women were lured to the United States and held prisoner by armed guards near Los Angeles, where they were forced to sew clothes for such brands as High Sierra, BUM, and Anchor Blue.

Some of the women were held for as long as seven years, before they were rescued in 1995. The next year, the US Department of Justice announced: “Seven Thai Nationals Plead Guilty To Enslaving More Than 80 Female Laborers.”

White Americans have been completely cured of slavery, but Africans, Asians, and Hispanics keep it going with sex trafficking, forced labor, child marriages, you name it.

Caste gives the BAPS temple cases a special flavor. All the men appear to be Dalits — the modern term for “untouchables.” Some of the sect’s bosses are reported to have called them “worms.” This all goes back to the system Hindus set up 3,000 years ago with Brahmins, or priests, at the top, on down through kings, merchants, and farm workers, to untouchables.

Credit: Giveaway285, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Indian word for caste is “varna,” meaning color, and there is a color hierarchy from light-skinned Brahmins down to dark-skinned Dalits. Caste is the most elaborate and enduring Jim Crow system in the world.

Here is a group of Dalits, clearly a different kettle of fish from Bollywood stars like this lady, Kriti Sanon. Hindus seem to have brought their habits with them to America.

Credit Image: © Biswarup Ganguly/eyepix via ZUMA Press Wire

Credit: Bollywood Hungama, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

There are 1.1 billion Hindus in the world, and more than three million of them live in the United States. The vast majority are from the tippy-top castes, which explains why they are the richest people in America.

The figure for whites is $75,000.

Only later did Dalits show up, and they say they have a rough time. According to a poll – conducted by a Dalit activist group – 67 percent of Dalits say that have suffered caste-based harassment at the workplace, and 27 said they had been verbally or physical assaulted because of caste.

Forty-one percent who were looking for love said they had been turned down or dumped because they were Dalits.

Americans don’t know a Dalit from a doorknob, so all this persecution must be coming from other Hindus.

Things are said to be especially bad in Silicon Valley, where there are a lot of high-caste Indian managers and even CEOs. Here’s a story for you: “Google cancelled Dalit activist’s talk on caste after pressure from employees.”

Last year, a Hindu woman who worked at Google invited an American Dalit activist Thenmozhi Soundararajan to give a talk on caste discrimination as part of Google’s DEI employee sensitization. The other Hindus were having none of it. They said Miss Soundararajan was “Hindu-phobic” and “anti-Hindu,” that any hint of caste equity would be “reverse discrimination against upper castes,” and claimed “their lives were at risk by the discussion of caste equity.”

They added that Dalits don’t know enough Hindu scripture even to understand caste.

Can you imagine white employees complaining that DEI is anti-white, and that “equity” means anti-white discrimination, and that they might die if people talked about it? Amazing stuff. Well, the talk was canceled and the Hindu lady pushing for it left the company.

The disinvited Dalit activist accused Google CEO Sundar Pichai, who is a Brahmin, of “caste privilege” and “casteism.”

We get intra-Hindu squabbles over school textbooks. “Should the word ‘Dalit’ be used in California textbooks?”

Different groups bashed each other on social media about “erasing entire identities” and “denying history.” They couldn’t even agree on geographic terms.

Banning caste discrimination is the latest fashion. Earlier this year, Seattle became the first US city to make casteism illegal.

The DC-based Hindu American Foundation opposed the ban, saying it discriminated against Hindus, and that caste isn’t a problem in the state, anyway.

Brown University and the Cal State system have jumped on the ban wagon.

California State Senator Aisha Wahab sponsored a bill to make California the first state to impose a ban.

She’s a Muslim from Afghanistan, and said she got violent threats from furious Hindus.

The bill passed both houses, and ban supporters went on a liquids-only hunger strike to make the governor sign the bill.

The Hindu American Foundation told Governor Newsome to veto the ban, saying it “unfairly maligns, targets and racially profiles select communities” and “institutionalizes a presumptive status of ‘oppressor’ to all South Asians” who aren’t low caste.

Gov. Newsome did veto the bill, but said it was because casteism is already covered by state law. The foundation didn’t see it way. It called the veto a “historic victory for Hindu Americans” that averted “a civil rights and constitutional disaster.”

What in heaven’s name are we doing with this problem, anyway? Why do we have Hindus fighting over a law that one side says is so important it goes on hunger strike for it while the other side says it would be “a civil rights and constitutional disaster”?

I guess we weren’t satisfied with the problems we already had.

Credit Image: © Curtis Compton/TNS via ZUMA Press Wire

Now we have Palestinians in New York City calling for death to the Jews.

Credit Image: © Richard B. Levine/Levine Roberts via ZUMA Press

Take in enough refugees, and we might get rocket attacks on the Diamond District.

Credit Image: © Luise Evers/dpa via ZUMA Press

Last month, mobs of Eritreans were battling each other in the streets of Germany, Sweden, and even Israel.

Let’s bring in enough Eritreans so we can have riots, too, and not feel left out.

Credit Image: © Sally Hayden/SOPA via ZUMA Wire

We’re obviously geniuses at solving race problems. Can’t you tell?

Credit Image: © Chris Juhn/ZUMA Wire

Let’s import every squabbling tribe from around the world and solve their problems, too.

Original Article 


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