Ice Cream is So Good, Millennial Faggot. Have You Considered Suicide?

Ice Cream is So Good, Millennial Faggot. Have You Considered Suicide?

Andrew Anglin


The worst shit I saw in the last month, next to Elon Musk changing the name of Twitter to “X,” was fat millennial scum (bald, atheist, no taste in anything) making fun of Pinkydoll and ice cream so good.

Everyone making fun of this is a gay millennial faggot, who doesn’t understand anything about what is funny or cool or novel or interesting. If you don’t think “ice cream so good” is the best thing in like, the entire month of July, then you have no idea what is going on. You are self-righteous, condescending, uncool, and a prick, and most importantly, you are way less smart than you think you are.

Gang-gang, ice cream so good.

You suck.

You are middle-aged and you think you’re cool, but nothing you do is funny, and your life is unimportant. The dumbest possible social trends were sold to you as consumer products and you thought you figured them out yourself.

Comparing you to Pinkydoll is like comparing some rotting pile of insects to a mythical beast with seven heads that breathes fire and can melt time by blinking and purring.

Imagine the universe being infinite, then imagine it being alive and conscious of itself, then imagine a crippled raccoon chewing its own leg and getting hair in its teeth while hissing in the gutter.

That is the scope of the difference between fans of Pinkydoll and people who somehow thought it was cool or interesting to make fun of ice cream so good.

Millennials are fat, they thought atheism was cool, they talked about “anarchy,” they have beards and think the beard makes it so people don’t notice how fat they are. They thought listening to Rage Against the Machine made them interesting. Try and watch them manage the fact that they are balding and fat and literally advertised that their lives are meaningless while thinking girls would think they were interesting if they listened to Nine Inch Nails.

Millennials are the worst generation. They listen to shitty music and they are so slow and effeminate that they thought “being deep” would make women want to have sex with them.

These same faggots now want to say what, exactly? That ice cream is not good?

Is that the argument being made here?

“Haha, zoomers are so stupid, they think ice cream so good. Also, God doesn’t exist and we should have anarchy and other recycled memes that already sucked in the 1960s, and ice cream tastes very bad”?

Now these same millennial scum watch Andrew Tate videos and think the secret plan of the inexplicably non-Jewish elite is to deny them access to race cars? And they’re going to make fun of the best shit I’ve seen since like, that guy in the Burger King hat screaming “nigger”?

If anyone ever tells you ice cream isn’t good, they are your enemy.

Here are the facts, millennial:

  • You are fat.
  • You have abysmally low testosterone.
  • You are an emotional baby and you whine about everything and get emotional on the internet.
  • That beard does not make you look less fat or more masculine.
  • Indie rock was never cool, 80s nostalgia was never cool.
  • You don’t know the first thing about Illuminati symbolism.
  • Tattoos are literally the gayest, try-hardest thing anyone has ever done. Maybe you can become a roadie for the Red Hot Chili Peppers? What even is this? You are middle-aged and you need to trim your eyebrows.
  • Nothing you ever did was cool, you are not deep, your IQ is too low to understand Rick and Morty.
  • You literally think about what women think.
  • You thought a woman cared about your emotions.
  • You thought it was somehow okay for a man to ever demonstrate emotions.
  • You didn’t realize the significance of turning thirty.
  • You thought you were going to read books about mystical esoteric symbols and gain meaning in your life.
  • Your youth is already gone, your life is halfway over, you can’t even register that thought because you have the mind of a child.
  • You literally used the word “relationship” in relation to a woman.
  • You are on pills.
  • You went to college.
  • You actually got tattoos and then some drunk woman had sex with you and you thought you accomplished something.
  • You have no skills. You are a middle-aged man with no skills. It is too late to learn an actual skill, and this is your life.
  • You know I’m talking about you and it burns like some immigrant just threw acid in your face.
  • Slay.
  • Gang gang.
  • Yes yes yesss.
  • Ice cream so good.

I didn’t ever want to be the one to tell you this, but you are middle-aged, millennial, and you need to trim your eyebrows.

When you make fun of boomers, it actually just draws attention to the fact that you are so much more pathetic than these retards ever were. At least they had cool cars and didn’t listen to Korn or rap music.

Ice cream is good, you pathetic man-child. You are middle-aged. It’s too late for you to learn a skill. Your life is already over. You will never learn kung-fu or join the Taliban.

When you make fun of things that are cool because you are so pathetic that you can’t even recognize something that is obviously awesome, you highlight the fact you are fat and bald and you literally believe in atheism and tried to read a book about esoteric knowledge and promoted anarchy because of some Jew-produced trash music.

Gang gang.

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