Israeli Hostage’s Lack of Makeup Presented as Evidence of Hamas Abuse

Israeli Hostage’s Lack of Makeup Presented as Evidence of Hamas Abuse

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Israeli “influencers” and media propagandists are claiming Hamas abused Israeli captive Mia Schem, 21, because after she was released on Thursday she didn’t look as glowing as she did previously on her Instagram.

“Every time I look at a hostage’s face before and after they’re released from Hamas captivity my heart shatters,” pro-Israel activist Hen Mazzig of the Tel Aviv Institute said Thursday on X. “What have they gone through to turn a beautiful girl full of life into this. The pictures of Mia Schem that was released today will never leave me.”

The whole “Instagram vs Reality” meme is now being used as proof of Hamas torture.

The Daily Mail used this same line in their reporting on Schem’s release, writing: “Two women hostages look pale and terrified as they are freed by Hamas and paraded through huge baying mob – including Mia Schem, 21, who was forced to appear in propaganda video showing her injuries.”

They seem to have realized how stupid (not to mention insulting) this was as they changed the headline and removed all references to her appearance:

She could look exactly the same using the same makeup and Instagram/FaceApp filters today.


What would the reaction be by these same actors if Hamas started putting makeup on all their hostages before they were released and used Instagram filters to “beautify” them in their videos?

The Israeli government threw a fit last month over the “PR disaster” of freed captive Yocheved Lifshitz detailing how Hamas treated her and fellow captives “very nicely” and “were very delicate and gentle with them and took care of all their needs.”

In response to the incident, Israel created a new “protocol” to coach all their captives upon release before allowing them to talk to the media.


From The New Arab, “Released hostages forced into media silence as Israel tightens control on interviews”:

A report from Israeli news channel Channel 12 noted that Israeli authorities had arranged a special media process for the hostages’ post-release, in order to ensure they remain in control of the narrative.

It said that medical officials will first assess whether the released hostages were fit enough to be questioned about their ordeal by Israel’s national security branch, Shin Bet. The children who were taken hostage will also undergo questioning by special child investigators.

Crucially, the Channel 12 report noted that Israeli authorities had sought to control the narrative following criticism by Israeli commentators for what they said was a careless handling of Lifshitz’s press conference.

It said media interviews will not be banned for abductees, but closely supervised.

“Despite the anger after Yochaved Lifshitz’s press conference upon her release, this time too there will be no ban on media interviews of the abductees,” the report said.

“However, they are expected to receive close supervision, and they will be instructed on what to tell the media and what not.”

Original Article


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