“It’s a Happy Fact”: Bill Maher Celebrates Whites Becoming a Minority in London

Chris Menahan
Bill Maher and Sharon Osbourne are thrilled with London becoming minority white.
“It’s a happy fact,” Maher said in an interview on the Club Random Podcast with Osborne earlier this year.
“It’s a complete and utter melting pot — and it’s great,” Osborne said.
“Change is going to come and it’s going to roll over you,” Maher said. “You can move.”
“That’s right,” Osborne said.
Bill Maher calls London going from 86% white to 36% in mere decades “a happy fact” that if the English don’t like they can move. Maher adds, “That’s life on Earth. Things change.”
But if rapid demographic change is life on Earth then why’s it only happening in white countries? pic.twitter.com/QHTjLm6DKX
— Frank DeScushin (@FrankDeScushin) November 8, 2023
Maher, who along with Osborne is half Jewish and half Irish, went on to say that while every group may have their gripes, “nobody has had it worse than the Jews.”
“It’s not a competition which minority group has had it worse,” Maher said. “We are allies of all the people who have been forever, for whatever reason, s**t upon and hunted and downtrodden and treated unfairly.”
“But in the last hundred years, I mean, there’s nobody who’s had it worse than the Jews, the Holocaust was in the 1940s okay?” Maher continued, championing the Victim Olympics he condemned just seconds earlier. “Were black people treated well in America? No, they weren’t in the 1940s and there is still racism today but six million people were hunted, rounded up and murdered.”
Though Maher thinks the West becoming minority white is something to celebrate, he asked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last year if Jews becoming a demographic minority in Israel would necessitate Israel becoming “an apartheid state.”
“The critics of Israel here in America and some in your own country, talk about the fact that Israel is kind of a population time bomb and that if 51 percent of Israel would become Arab — because you do have Arab citizens who are actually treated better in Israel with more rights and more freedoms than they are in their own and other Arab countries — but if 51 percent of Israel became Arab then you would have to become an apartheid state,” Maher said. “Is that something that you think about as much as your critics do?”
Netanyahu responded that only “about 20 percent of Israel’s population is Arabs” and insisted it’s not an issue because their “demographic balance” is being “maintained.”
The “critics” Maher talked about echoing this “Great Replacement” theory include Netanyahu himself, who has been warning about the “demographic threat” since at least 2003.
From Haaretz, Dec 18, 2003, “Netanyahu: Israel’s Arabs Are the Real Demographic Threat”:
“If there is a demographic problem, and there is, it is with the Israeli Arabs who will remain Israeli citizens,” [Netanyahu] said. The Declaration of Independence said Israel should be a Jewish and democratic state, but to ensure the Jewish character was not engulfed by demography, it was necessary to ensure a Jewish majority, he said.
If Israel’s Arabs become well integrated and reach 35-40 percent of the population, there will no longer be a Jewish state but a bi-national one, he said.
Netanyahu took this “threat” on directly in 2018 by getting a “nation-state law” passed declaring that only Jews have the “right of self-determination” in Israel.
“Israel is the historic homeland of the Jewish people and they have an exclusive right to national self-determination in it,” the law stated.
Netanyahu said the law, which also stripped Arabic of its designation as an official language, was passed to “ensure our state’s Jewish character for generations to come.”
For some odd reason, Maher didn’t tell Netanyahu to embrace Jews becoming a minority in Israel as a “happy fact” and let him know that if he doesn’t like it he can just move.