‘Moderate’ Muslims

‘Moderate’ Muslims

Long time members of this blog will know that I’ve spent many years working in Muslim countries, from Egypt to Pakistan and all stops in between. You will also be aware that I’m not a fan of the Religion Of Peace. Having said that my experience is by no means all negative. I have many pleasant memories of friends and acquaintances from those countries, with Oman holding a special place in my affections.

Now all of us have heard the following, or a variant of it. “We must distinguish between the terrorists and ordinary Muslims. I know plenty of Muslims who take a beer, don’t go to a mosque, enjoy discos, are great fun….just like any of us”.  All well and good. Apart from the last bit. Because apart from some rare exceptions they are not ‘like any of us’. This truth can be established through the simple expedient of making a joke about the “Prophet” or Islam generally. Do that (not advised) and watch the transformation in your fun-loving hedonist. The realisation will dawn that in fact he is different, very different, and not in a reassuring way.

My experience has lead me to believe that an Islamic upbringing actually changes the chemistry of the brain, fossilises the neural pathways so that the brain is literally incapable of processing certain offending thoughts or concepts. I have had highly intelligent Muslims (technology PhD level from good Western universities) argue that the “Prophet” actually did head off into the skies on his horse and subsequently engage in a series tense (and successful!) negotiations with Allah Himself.  Attempting to dissect the inherent nonsense of such a position is not advised as it will quickly – very quickly – lead to a state of open and probably permanent animosity.

Also bear in mind that as a community Muslim behaviour is predicated directly on their proportion of the population. When it’s tiny, as it is in Ireland right now, Muslims will generally be enthusiastic supporters of  freedom and tolerance of every kind, especially that of the religious variety. But they become progressively more demanding as they proportionally increases, to the point where they begin to run parallel societies (France, Sweden) and ultimately force their own rules and mores on the host population. Nothing but a major prohibition on further Muslim immigration to the West will be sufficient. Those countries already in the 10%+ range are doomed short of mass deportations.

All of which justifiably points the spotlight at those nation-wreckers who have foisted this recklessly dangerous social engineering project on the people of the West. In a just world they’d face the most severe form of retribution.

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