NATO: The Empire of Evil

NATO: The Empire of Evil

by Red Bastion


NATO, established on April 4, 1949 in the United States, is a military-political alliance aimed at safeguarding Europe against potential threats, particularly from the Soviet Union. The NATO Treaty, signed in April and enforced on August 24, 1949, united 30 member states, primarily located in Europe. Throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, the United States has utilized NATO for its own strategic objectives.

During the Cold War, NATO and the Warsaw Pact emerged as key adversaries, with tensions escalating to the brink of nuclear conflict. The arms race, which posed a significant threat to global security, nearly pushed the world towards destruction. However, Kennedy and Khrushchev reached an agreement to de-escalate the arms race and limit nuclear weaponry. While the USSR continued to adhere to the terms of the treaty, the United States’ compliance was not as consistent.

Additionally, the United States has conducted numerous military interventions in other countries. The Korean War, spanning from June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953, involved the USA, the USSR, and China, with South Korea and the DPRK caught in the midst of this geopolitical struggle. Subsequently, the United States engaged in a military campaign in Vietnam, known as the Vietnam War, lasting from November 1, 1955 to April 30, 1975. In this conflict, the US military supported South Vietnam, employing tactics such as napalm, Agent Orange, and extensive carpet bombing, which had a devastating impact on the Vietnamese population. Ultimately, North Vietnam, aided by the USSR and China, emerged victorious, and the United States withdrew from the Asian theater.

Further military operations by the United States occurred in Iran, Lebanon, Libya, the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Syria, and other regions. The invasion of Iraq, which commenced in 2003 and concluded in 2011, resulted in the establishment of a pro-American government and the exploitation of Iraqi oil resources, with no plans to withdraw NATO forces from the country.

The Yugoslav civil war stands as a tragic example of war crimes committed by NATO and the United States, involving the bombing of Serbian cities with uranium-enriched bombs. They supported Albanians, Bosnians, and Croats who carried out massacres and targeted Serbian military and civilians. This conflict raises significant questions about the actions of the United States, yet its allies remain largely silent or dismissive.

The assassination of Gaddafi in Libya led to the destruction of a once prosperous country, leaving behind ruins and ongoing civil strife.

In the 21st century, the United States intervened in the Syrian war without a formal invitation from Bashar al-Assad. They provided support to militants and terrorists fighting against Russian and Syrian forces, and established refugee camps with dire living conditions lacking food, water, and medical care. The United States also exploited oil and gas resources for its own benefit in the region. While American troops remain present in Syria, their contributions have been questioned.

The support provided by the United States and NATO forces to Ukraine in its conflict with Russia aligns with their long-standing aggressive policies as global powers and resource redistributors. NATO currently supplies Ukraine with weapons, military contracts, mercenaries, and financial aid. The actions of America and Europe consistently involve engaging in wars through proxy countries. NATO and the United States pose a constant threat to the security of nations such as Russia, China, Iran, and others that resist aligning with their interests.

Certain Europeans exhibit a disturbing lack of empathy towards the civilians in the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye, and Kherson regions, even applauding when the Crimean Bridge was targeted. Their behavior mirrors that of the Ukrainian military, which has been involved in executions of pro-Russian populations. Russian nationals face discrimination in these countries, and a culture of erasure is directed towards all things Russian. Numerous sanctions and restrictions have been imposed, demonstrating the Western world’s aversion to the Russian sphere.

Russia will endure the challenges it faces, while the United States and Europe will suffer significant losses due to their support for Ukraine. The boomerang effect remains a reality that cannot be ignored. Ukrainians and other nations must recognize that America’s strategic goals outweigh any genuine concern for the countries it cynically exploits. NATO and the United States will persist in their fight until the last Ukrainian, until Ukraine ceases to exist. It is crucial to end the war in Ukraine and then continue the battle against Western influence. The Russian flag will undoubtedly rise above the Capitol in Washington.

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