Poll: Nearly Half of Americans Agree Illegal Immigrants Are ‘Poisoning The Blood of Our Country’

Poll: Nearly Half of Americans Agree Illegal Immigrants Are ‘Poisoning The Blood of Our Country’

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Chris Menahan

Some 47% of American voters overall and 81% of GOP primary voters agree with Donald Trump’s statement that illegal immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country,” according to a new CBS News poll.

“[E]ight in 10 Republican primary voters say they agree with [Trump’s statement] — and that includes majorities of both MAGA voters (97%) and non-MAGA voters (65%) in the GOP electorate,” CBS News reports.

“A Des Moines Register/NBC News/Mediacom survey found 42% said the statement made them more likely to caucus for Trump, while 28% said the rant made them less likely to back the 77-year-old,” the NY Post reported last month on Dec 21.

The Overton window has shifted dramatically over the past few years.

CBS News has more:

On revenge or payback: Most MAGA voters want him to prosecute his opponents if he’s elected, while few non-MAGA primary voters do. That said, six in 10 Republican voters who don’t want Trump to do this are still backing him.

On relations with allies: Half of MAGA voters would have him take the U.S. out of NATO, with most other GOP primary voters opposed. But Trump enjoys wide leads among both groups, regardless of their support for NATO.

The final NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa poll before the Iowa caucus has Trump at 48%, Nikki Haley at 20% and Ron DeSantis at 16%, according to NBC News.

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