That Illusion

That Illusion

February 19, 1943

Met an American lady on the seafront tother day. Married to an Italian, so she is still thaar on the seafront. Says to me: “That WALLACE, hasn’t sense to come in out of the rain.”

I seem to recall a report of a Delphian convention about six years ago, when Henry W. was trying to tell ’em something about American agriculture; how you eat more if you grow less, or some such ingenious piece of Jew brow kikosophy.

Hank of course is appealin’. I mean, gives the effect of bein’ a nice kind hearted feller, with infinite capacity for believin’ what the wrong people tell him. He don’t see that a world would be just as warless under an efficient Japanese or European police domination as under a kike monopoly—probably more so. I hear that in occupied Russia they get a Jew to supervise Jewish labor. In fact the lack of sequence. and coherence in H.W.’s kite flying would be remarkable if Hank didn’t come from the corn belt. He must be gettin’ his ideas from the B.B.C. latterly. He is not a sadistic slob like his leader, but still I s’pose he has no mother to guide him. Yet YOU, in fact you got your responsibility. Can’t always blame it on the executive, and the pseudo-executive. Diagnose ’em. Diagnose ’em. IF you can’t see how crazy some of their talk is, who is going to SEE for you?

Most of you never go near a political meetin’. Most of you don’t know what are PRIMARIES. The young ought to start looking into the actual political system. Go round to the wigwam. You got a vote. The ward boys won’t throw you out if you ask him politely what you can do for the party. It don’t matter which party. Go round to the wigwam. Don’t lie back on the divan and think not listenin’ to my voice on the radio will bring political salvation and economic salvation to YOU and your honeybun.

No political system will run itself without human intervention. All the intervenin’ you can probably do is comprised of YOUR OWN intervention. Go, find out politely which political party is worse than the other, if either is, or conceivably could be, worse than the other.

Manners will probably be politer in the Republican wigwam. The obvious percentage of kikery will be lower. There will be possibly less humanitarian flimflam. BUT in any case diagnose ’em. And the first piece of quite foetid bunk to diagnose OUT of the Roosevelt-Wallace synagogue sob stuff is this bunk about FREEDOM, which does NOT include economic freedom. Take that every day and all day; and whenever an office holder, a sergeant, a chewish staff officer or a member of the cabinet or executive says FREEDOM, point out that his (if it’s Wallace) HIS proposed freedom, omits freedom from debt. We fight for world freedom, says the dead cod in London, over the synagogue radio.

Wallace has the sour faced gall to get up and talk about the freedom of a world in DEBT to America. Whenever Wallace or any other palooka pulls that by word of mouth, on the radio or in private, git a shovel, or try and see if the flush mechanism is workin’.

THAT much at least you ought to learn from this war. Ought to have learned it in 1920. Ought to be there in the school books from the 1st grade and upward.

There is NO freedom without economic freedom. Freedom that does not include freedom from debt is plain bunkumb. It is foetid and foul logomachy to call such servitude freedom. And really Mr. Wallace, with his kindly smile, and his pious palavar ought to catch up with the 20th century and realize that that line does NOT work any longer. The whole of Europe, Asia and Arabia is ONTO that hoakum. Heckle him. Whenever Hank or any one of the high Jewsfeld committee pulls that wheeze about freedom, enforced by Jewish world police, centered in Panama and in Palestine, ask: does he mean freedom from debt? Ask: what does he mean by freedom. Freedom from debt? Freedom from payin’ two dollars OUT of the people’s pocket for every buck spent by the government? Ask about freedom. Don’t shoot the guy, diagnose him.

Good God, have you no columnists, have you no caricaturists left in America? Even little Eddie asked you what you would do with your GOLD. Christ, you are in debt. You are indebted. You have for years been pouring out America’s wealth. Pouring out the purchasing power that ought to have stayed in the American people’s pocket.

You have bought gold at 35 bucks per ounce. You have paid quite needlessly 75 cents for 23 cents worth of silver. All paid INTO the pockets of other people. America was promises; “TO WHOM?” says Archie. Promises to Rothschild and Rothschild’s co-nationals, Archie? That was promises TO WHOM? Paid into the pockets of people who keep the Roosevelts and Wallaces IN office for the sole purpose of having the levers held by people who will swallow that sort of bumcomb. Who will get up and talk about freedom without seein’ that freedom is NOT unless it be freedom FROM debt?

Yes, freedom from all sorts of debt, INCLUDIN’ debt at usurious interest. Two dollars fer one. Yet even Gallatin during the war of 1812 has sense enough to emit some purchasing power (notes under 100 bucks) that did not bear interest. You are SOLD. England is sold. France has been OBVIOUSLY put up at auction. Switzerland is still where she is because Jews weren’t allowed to settle there until 1864. Wherever the Jew gets control of a nation, that nation gets into difficulty. I’ll say: into difficulty.

I am taking my whole time on one point durin’ this little discourse. Sometimes I try to tell you too much. I suspect I talk in a what-is-called incoherent manner: ’cause I can’t (and I reckon nobody could) tell where to begin. What knowledge one can consider as preexisted in the mind of the AVERAGE American listener. When I was wonderin’, the American press men left Rome; I was wonderin’ if anybody listened to what I said on Rome Radio and an experienced well broken journalist said: don’t worry, there’ll always be some fellow in a newspaper office sitten there, trying to get something for his column or something.

Debt is the prelude to slavery. And you are now, I ’spose, arrived at the intermezzo. America WAS promises. America today is largely, shall we say, promissory notes that simply can NOT be honored. Britain’s debts in the last war—who paid ’em? Oh, some of ’em didn’t get paid. England in 1935 [was] a bankrupt trying to live by the lending of money. But, brother, England in 1939 was inhabited exclusively by millionaires. In comparison to what England is today under Churchill; and still spending her treasures. Still losing bits of her empire. No, no, your DEBTS will not be paid by England, nor by the French Jews headed by Jewsieur de Gaulle. And your debts: oh yes, you have some. One hundred billyum dollars unless some of your radio voices exaggerated. Well, has anyone offer’d to PAY those debts FOR you?

The pressure to increase hours of labor IN the U.S. of A., where prosperity was just ’round the corner. Am I to believe that you no longer have complete liberty to eat and to use automobiles? Some of the reports from the U.S.A. seem exaggerated; but in a country that swallowed Morgenthau’s reports of the goings on of the American treasury: what CAN be exaggerated?

One point for this evening. One point that the most humble citizen’s political responsibility can stretch to. You, I mean YOU, can doubt the intelligence, or shall we be forced to say, the sincerity, of any speaker who uses the word freedom in any context where ECONOMIC freedom is not implicit in the meaning of his whole sentence or discourse. Without freedom from DEBT, there is NO total freedom; there is no condition that can be called freedom save for the purposes of babboozling the auditor or the elector. That is the primary lesson for the Mr. Wallace, before he ruins his bright and beamish hopes for incumbency in the White House by being indellibly branded as the Jew’s mouthpiece.

That might show political ineptitude by the year 1944. Say that Mr. Wallace were UNIVERSALLY recognized as the Jew’s choice for American president and were opposed by a non-Jewish, candidate. Mr. Wallace being, I mean ’sposin’ he and his are dead set to carry him into the White House. Get him to inspect the source of his funny notions. Such as plowing under, and world freedom under Jewish police, or a Jew-owned police force. I know he thinks he thought it all out for himself, but get him to look back in his memory, and see WHO first explained it to him? Who first demonstrated over the dinner table or across the desk in his office, that you plow under for the good of the farmer, and to have better food and cheaper food for the workin’ man, and that it is NECESSARY to force people to do what they would do anyhow if you didn’t put a police force there over ’em. And how Russia is the true guide to humanity.

Get Mr. Wallace to tell you WHICH Jewish patriot first explained these things to him.



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