The Extermination Flag

The Extermination Flag
The Extermination Flag now flies over every major city of the United States. Here we see it on top of Seattle’s Space Needle. Seattle — and America — was a very different place indeed when Kevin Alfred Strom, the author of this piece, visited the Space Needle in 1962. The main reason for the difference? — the accession to power of White-hating, organized Jews. Whites need to organize — and swear on the graves of our forefathers that one day the National Alliance flag will be flying over our lands.

by Kevin Alfred Strom

I WAS SHOPPING IN my local grocery store a few days ago. It’s part of chain of stores that dominates the grocery store market in Ohio and western Pennsylvania and a few other places called “Giant Eagle.” I am sure that most of its customers don’t know that it is a Jew-run operation and has always been a Jew-run operation since its inception, with families such as the Goldsteins, the Artmans, the Chaits, and the Friedmans looming large. Good old Bart Friedman is the chain’s executive chairman. Until recently, I had no idea it was a Jewish operation, but after what happened I sure do now. (I’ve already done some ownership and ideology research and have been putting most of my grocery buying dollars in someone else’s hands lately. But many chains and stores have egregiously anti-White policies. The research continues.)

The Giant Eagle chain has an unavoidable PA system installed in all the local stores, probably all their stores, so you are forced to listen to their in-house radio network as you browse. The radio network is disgusting, but fairly sophisticated. It plays a mix of modern pop with heavily negroid overtones mixed with quite a lot of actual Negro music most of the time — along with periodic commercials voiced by professional announcers and with studio-quality production values, telling you a little bit about what a great grocery store they are, and one heck of a lot about how “diverse” and “inclusive” and “safe” their stores are. We all know what the code words “diverse” and ‘inclusive” mean — fewer Whites, and anti-White discrimination in hiring, and likely an absolute ban on saying or doing anything in favor of Whites if you want to keep your employment there — but do you know what they mean by “safe”? A few months ago they explained on their network that it meant that their store — yes, their store — is a “safe space for all marginalized communities.”

This is all in a 95% White county, mind you, and the whole area served by this grocery chain is overwhelmingly White. Nevertheless, they beat their White customers over the head hour after hour with Regime-approved anti-White ideology as they try to pick up their food and drink for the week. No space is safe for us.

For a while during the Covid scare, they even were pushing extremely detailed “masking” instructions, along with explanations about following the new directional arrows painted on the stores’ floors and standing no less than six feet apart while in the cashiers’ lines — instructions that most customers cheerfully ignored and that the sad-faced, slump-shouldered employee corps never once tried to enforce.

This endless garbage should have mentally prepared me for what I heard over the PA system just the other day — but it was still viscerally disgusting and shocking. A smug young White-sounding female voice intoned over the ubiquitous speakers:

Attention Giant Eagle shoppers, it’s Pride Month, and we’re celebrating the LGBTQ+ community with a special announcement.

We’re proud to offer a variety of Pride-themed products,

We’re also donating a portion of our proceeds this month to groups that work to achieve equality for LGBTQ+ people. So join us in the celebration and show your Pride too!

You may have noticed the Progress Pride flag everywhere these days and wondered about all its colors. The Progress Pride flag is a newer variation of the traditional Pride flag. It was designed by Daniel Quasar in 2018. The flag includes the traditional six rainbow colors that stand for the diversity of sexual orientation, as well as five additional colors: black, brown, pink, light blue, and white.

  • The black and brown stripes represent marginalized communities of color.
  • The pink, light blue, and white stripes represent the transgender community.
  • The white stripe also represents those who are intersex, transitioning, or have an undefined gender.
  • The arrow shape of the new colors represents the progress that has been made in the fight for LGBTQ+ equality, as well as the work that still needs to be done.

We are proud to fly the Progress Pride flag at our store as a symbol of our support for the LGBTQ+ community and our commitment to creating a more inclusive environment for everyone.

Now, I may have the exact words slightly wrong — I wasn’t able to record or take notes — but that is substantially what was said.

What’s interesting to me and to some other folks who have noticed the same thing is that the Jewish power structure is really showing its hand by pushing this latest iteration of their so-called “pride” flag. A Twitter user going by the screen name “Ogre” came right out with the increasingly obvious truth and stated “This flag is for people who cannot produce White babies. Gays, trans, and intersex people cannot. Black and Brown people cannot. Including Black and Brown [as part of the flag] seems silly at first because it’s supposed to be a sexuality flag — until you realize this: It is an anti-White hate symbol.”

He hit the nail on the head. That’s exactly what is going on.

Lest you think that the white portion of the queer flag stands for White people, let me refer you to the definition which states, “The light blue, pink and white stripes represent trans and non-binary individuals” and “also represents those who are intersex, transitioning, or have an undefined gender.” Not that any decent White man or woman would want to be represented on this filthy flag anyway!

This flag is not about perverts having some nonexistent and undeserved “pride.” This flag is not about “inclusivity.” This flag is really not primarily about sexuality of any kind. This flag is about exterminating White people. That is why any group — even racial groups like Blacks and Mestizos who aren’t really known for embracing homosexuality and other perversions — that cannot bring White children into the world ‘gets a stripe.’ Preventing the birth of White children is the goal. Reducing the number of White children in the world is the goal. Using whatever means is most effective to reduce the birth rate of White people is the gold standard of “virtue” for these monsters in human form — and that is what this flag really means. It is the Extermination Flag.

Observations like these have been flooding the ’Net since this truth has started to gain popular currency:

“You’re absolutely right, I recognised this immediately when the old rainbow was swapped out for one with racial characteristics. It was transformed from an axiom of sexuality, to one of (anti-) race.”

“Because White kids can’t identify as Black or Brown and their own racial identity is framed in solely negative terms, the only positive identity the regime leaves them is ‘LGBTQ.’ So this flag is mostly for people who can produce White babies but pledge not to in exchange for ‘inclusion.’ “

“They can’t publicly say ‘kill Whites’ yet, so they do the next closest thing: attack the White birthrate. They can’t publicly say ‘stop White births’ yet, so they do the next closest thing: Promote everything else.”

“You can’t tell the people you despise that you don’t want them to breed. You can tell them that non-reproductive lifestyles are cool, fun, stunning, and brave though.”

“Of course it’s just a coincidence this flag represents all possible pairings which do not result in White children.”

One non-White even opined:

“This is anti-White hate. I love this flag now.”

Then there’s the pathetic response of Boomer conservatives to the Extermination Flag. One meme from such a person shows four Extermination Flags arranged so that the wedge-shaped parts form a swastika, showing us supposedly that the pervert activists are really “like Nazis” and “want to take away our freedoms” or something like that. There is not a stupider take possible. Not only do these conservatives miss the main point entirely — but they are so ideologically blindered and mired in the fake Jewish-created idea that National Socialism is the “ultimate in evil,” that practically every time they open their mouths they end up obliquely attacking the very people who tried to save them.

The new Extermination Flag has brought into starker relief than ever what I have been saying for years about the real agenda of the Jewish power structure: If you stop and think objectively about it for five minutes, it will be obvious that the Establishment supports every trend and policy and idea that discourages the birth of White children, and opposes every trend and policy and idea that promotes or encourages the birth of White children. That really is the key to understanding everything that they do — and the very real, very dire situation in which we live.

Today, led by the Jews in the media and the government and the schools, almost every kind of perverted sexual behavior is encouraged and praised, as long as it doesn’t lead to the birth of White children. And all the White generations, from the so-called Greatest Generation and the clueless Boomers and even more so the younger generations, have been severely damaged by this Jewish propaganda. A few more generations of this and we will literally cease to exist — which is the goal of the Jewish power structure which causes the Extermination Flag to fly over every capital city and major and minor government office and large corporation in this land cursed by the plague from the Middle East.

One you realize all this, you are freed. Please support the National Alliance, so more and more of our people will be thus awakened — and, even more important, given the opportunity to join our real-world intentional White community.

* * *

You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help

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