Championing Perversion

Championing Perversion

Earl P. Holt III

It’s been patently obvious for decades that leftist Jews are excessively
sympathetic to every imaginable variety of queer, transgender, pervert
or pedophile. In fact, it’s more accurate to say that leftist Jews are
empathetic to queers, perverts and transgenders, and rarely miss an
opportunity to promote their causes. Just as they’ve done with every
other element of Marxism, leftist Jews have been at the forefront of
championing the LGBTQ+ movement and its accompanying ideology.

Even 50 years ago as an undergraduate at Washington University in St.
Louis, I couldn’t help but notice that the disproportionately large
percentage of Jews among its student body seemed to go hand-in-hand
with an excessively large percentage of homosexuals. The same pattern
was readily apparent in its Graduate Clinical Psychology Program.
Fortunately, in those days most homos stayed in the closet and didn’t
feel the need to trumpet their sexual preferences on their T-shirts. Most
were generally tolerated by other studentsfor exactly this reason, unless
they became obnoxious or sexually aggressive with “straight” students.

Nowadays, thanks to Jewish control of the news and entertainment
industries, queers and other perverts have been promoted to such an
extent that it’s gone to their brains like the spirochete from tertiary
syphilis. Not only do they insist that we ACCEPT THEM on their terms,
they also demand that we INDULGE THEIR WHIMS, such as baking a
wedding cake for a same-sex marriage. We are even expected to
TOLERATE bizarre antics such as their public displays of affection for
very young kids with their “drag queen shows,” better described as
“freak shows.” These are nothing more than grooming events for
pedophiles, as most parents with a brain understand. (Only God knows what motivates the low-grade morons who knowingly bring their kids
to such events…)

Of course, there’s nothing novel about self-anointed “victims”
demanding that the rest of society accept them exclusively on THEIR
terms. Blacks insist that society pretend they are the intellectual and
moral equals of whites, and feminists demand that society pretend
women are equally as strong as men and of equal physical courage.
Thus, blacks conveniently dismiss IQ testing as “culturally biased” —
despite the 650 empirical studies proving otherwise — and feminists
claim that gender is a “false” construct. Both are indulged and
encouraged in their delusions by leftist prevaricators in the Jews’ Media
and academia, despite truly staggering empirical evidence to the
contrary. Normal people increasingly call this “gas-lighting.”

Besides queers, no other group of humans define themselves on the
basis of their preferred sexual activities. This affords a glimpse into their
narcissism, their obsessive personalities and their underlying mental
instability. Their sexual orientation seems to preoccupy them to the
extent that it defines almost every aspect of their lives, which is
decidedly not normal. In the past, homosexuality was rightly considered a mental disorder, but there are so many homos in the psychology and
psychiatric professions — many of whom are Jews — that the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual 5 (DSM 5) was revised in 2013 to remove
homosexuality as a mental disorder. The psychological profile of “the
love that dare not speak its name” didn’t change, but the political
influence of queers grew significantly, so that decision was based on
politics, not science.

How the hell did we get to this point where queers can legally marry
and adopt children, pedophiles can publicly groom children with drag
queen events, and politics is allowed to define what is considered a
mental disorder? Likewise, how did we get to the point that a bakery
can be sued all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court for refusing to bake
a wedding cake for two perverts, and biological males can arbitrarily
declare themselves “transgenders,” and then be permitted to invade
the safe spaces of biological females? Like most of the malignancies of
Cultural Marxism that have metastasized throughout our culture, the
promotion of special privileges and immunities for homosexuals was
spearheaded by leftist Jews, the vast majority of whom were perverts,


Brenda Howard was a Jewish polygamist, bi-sexual rights activist and
militant leftist, who is often referred to as the “Mother of Pride” because
she helped found the so-called “gay pride movement.” Like most leftist
Jews, she threw herself into all kinds of leftist causes, including
opposition to the war in Viet Nam and militant feminism. From her
biography, it appears she joined just about every organization whose
name included the words “queer,” “gay,” “lesbian,” or the acronym

Edith Windsor (born Edith Schlain) was a Jewish LGBT rights activist and
the lead Plaintiff in the landmark Supreme Court case of U.S. v. Windsor.
This decision wrongly and capriciously overturned Section 3 of the
Defense of Marriage Act in 2013. Windsor was an enormous legal
victory for same-sex marriage and initiated the wholesale granting of
unconstitutional privileges and immunities to queers. The decision
permitted the perverts in the Obama regime to engage in all kinds of
unconstitutional mischief by elevating their rights and privileges over the
rest of society.

George Weinberg was a Jewish psychologist who isrenowned for coining
the term “homophobia.” (Editor’s Note: Normal people don’t FEAR
queers, they are repulsed by them.) In his 1972 book, Society and the
Healthy Homosexual, he argued that homosexuality was perfectly
normal, and that it was actually society that possessed a psychological
malady because of the prejudice it harbors against homosexuals. As
leftist Jews are inclined to do, he deviously turned the debate upsidedown by indicting society for experiencing a repugnance over queers and
their sexual practices, while exonerating those who engage in sodomy.
He was also instrumental in seeing homosexuality removed from the list
of Mental Disorders in the DSM 5.

Frank Kameny was born a Jew and remained a pioneering figure in the
gay rights movement for most of his life. He is best remembered for
being fired by the Army Map Service, and his entire career in the gay
rights movement was launched by that dismissal. It’s difficult to
understand nowadays — when many queers publicly trumpet their
homosexuality — but when Kameny was fired in 1958, Soviet Intelligence
often targeted and blackmailed American homosexuals who worked for
the U.S. federal government. They forced homosexuals to spy for their
intelligence agencies — and against the U.S. — to avoid being exposed.

Barney Frank was a Jewish leftist, who may have been the first openly
homosexual U.S. Congressman, serving the 4th District of Massachusetts
for 22 years. He is widely believed to have retired from office when it
was reported that his live-in boyfriend was running a homosexual escort
service out of their home and Frank’s Congressional Office. More
recently, he served on the Board of the now-defunct Signature Bank,
whose officers and Board were too busy promoting “climate change” and
Diversity to ensure sound banking practices on the part of Signature

Jazz Jennings is a young Jewish transgender and gay rights activist — born
in 2000 — who has her own TV show and is a YouTube personality. She
is a spokesperson for transgender teens and personally founded Purple
Rainbow Teens. She is also involved in all kinds of organizations for
transgenders, and may be best known for her 2.5 year battle with the
U.S. Soccer Federation, in wherein she tried to force them to permit her
to compete on girls’ teams.

Abby Stein is a Jewish transgender activist, author and Rabbi. (Oy Vey!)
She may well be the first Hasidic transgender, and founded Sacred Space,
the first support group for transgenders from Orthodox Jewish

Leslie Feinberg was a Jewish transgender activist, devoted communist
and author of the book, Transgender Warriors. She described herself as
a “female bodied…butch lesbian (and) transgender.” She may have
originated the practice of prescribing which pronouns were applied to
her by others, and laid the groundwork for much of the ridiculous and
delusional ideas currently found in “Gender Studies” classes, frequently
offered in so-called “institutions of higher learning.”

Magnus Hirschfeld was an early “sexologist” and German and Jewish
physician, who became a pioneer for queer and transgender rights in
pre-NAZI Germany. He inspired a number of American Jews to establish
some of the first gay rights organizations in America, such as Harry Hay’s
Mattachine Society in Los Angeles, and Henry Gerber’s Society for
Human Rights in Chicago.

Betty Berzon was a Jewish gay rights activist and psychotherapist, who
may have been the first of her profession to publicly declare her
lesbianism in 1968. She established the Gay and Lesbian Community
Services Center in 1971, and the Gay Psychological Association that
soon led to the removal of homosexuality from the DSM 5’s list of Mental

These 10 individuals are a small fraction of the endless examples from
which I could draw, but readers should have gotten the point by now.
Like every other leftist and Marxist enthusiasm, leftist Jews have worked
feverishly to destroy vital Western institutions that have evolved over
the last 6,000 years of recorded history. Each of these leftist Jews has
forsaken the God of Isaac and Abraham to worship at the alters of their
new gods, Marx, Lenin and Saul Alinsky.

I should add that I have no animosity, whatsoever, for those who are
born homosexual. The condition is clearly genetically-determined, and I
have sympathy for those to whom life has dealt a complicated and difficult hand. There is probably nothing they can do about how they
were born, but we are primarily judged by others on the basis of HOW
WE LIVE. In a sane world, it would be bright, dignified, and extremely
competent men like Rick Grenell or Chadwick Moore who are held up as
role models for gay men, not Jazz Jennings or Barney Frank.

However, the militant nature and agenda of the Jewish-inspired
LGBTQ+ movement is more than annoying and abrasive, it is
destructive of the very fabric of Western Civilization, and its demand
for gay marriage has dramatically undermined the institution of
marriage in the West. Like all Marxist-inspired movements, the
LGBTQ+ movement is very effective at destroying societal institutions,
but not so good at creating workable alternatives. For THAT, I DO feel
a powerful resentment.

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