The Seven Republicans That Will be in the Debates

The Seven Republicans That Will be in the Debates

Andrew Anglin

Your average American voter

The race has begun. Seven men has met the 1% polling threshold to be in the debates.

Seven men.

One of them is against wars. One of them is a woman. Two of them are from India. Most are fat and retarded. At least one is gay and at least one other one is a nigger.

  • Donald Trump
  • Ron DeSantis
  • Vivek Ramaswamy
  • Mike Pence
  • Nikki Haley
  • Tim Scott
  • Chris Christie

I’m so bored.

Donald Trump is going to win, but whether he does or doesn’t, no Republican is going to win, because the elections in America are a hoax.

Mail-in ballots, bro.

It’s what’s for dinner.

Original Article


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