Views on Homosexuality Among the Races

Views on Homosexuality Among the Races



This article sets to outline the acceptance of homosexuality among different races of people.

White, Asian and Latino people seem to be very accepting of homosexuals.




Blacks and Arab Americans seem to be the least accepting of homosexuality.

“The proportion of African Americans who indicated that homosexuality was “always wrong” was 72.3% in 2008, largely unchanged since the 1970s. In contrast, among white respondents, this figure declined from 70.8% in 1973 to 51.6% in 2008, with most change occurring since the early 1990s. Participants who knew a gay person were less likely to have negative attitudes toward homosexuality (RR=0.60, 95% CI: 0.52–0.69). Among MSM, twice as many African American MSM reported that homosexuality is “always wrong” compared to white MSM (57.1% vs. 26.8%, p=0.003).”



Unsurprisingly, Jews are the most accepting of homosexuals.

“Jews are significantly more likely to indicate that homosexuality should be accepted by society than is true for the US public, and even in 2013, Pew found that 78% of Jews were accepting of gay marriage, compared to 50% for the general public. The Pew 2020 survey shows that 71% say rabbis should officiate at same-sex weddings, 13% say it depends, and only 15% oppose…. However, some significant differences in acceptance can be seen within the Jewish community. Jews by religion are less likely to be accepting of homosexuality than Jews of no religion. Significant differences in acceptance are seen by denomination, from only 32% of Orthodox to 80% of Conservative Jews, 92% of Reform Jews, and 89% of Jews with no denomination… Within the Orthodox community, modern Orthodox (50%) are much more accepting than ultra-Orthodox (20%). More educated Jews are more likely to be accepting, ranging from 64% of Jews with high school or less to 89% of college graduates. Democratic Jews (92%) are far more accepting than Republican Jews (51%), but Republican Jews are more accepting than Republicans in general (38%).”





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