Whose Society?

Whose Society?

It remains altogether impossible to refrain from encountering conservative sentiments, reactions and other modes of thought and behavior.
There remain great numbers of those short-sighted ones who feel that the situation can and should be “cleaned up”. The fact is that this kind
of thinking plays directly into the hands of Big Brother’s lackeys who are trying desperately to hold their System together as long as possible,
to suck as much blood as they can out of the dwindling number of productive Americans before it all finally goes to hell.
The answers they propose for the totally insane and out-of-control crime rate are: #1: build more prisons, but mainly, #2: the death penalty.
“Fry ’em!”, say the reactionaries. They envision the ghetto criminals and rapists, etc., going straight to the “hot seat” but that is a dangerous
delusion. Few are aware that one of the first men to die as a result of the renewed death penalty was John Spenkalink of Florida who was a
White Man, a National Socialist, whose “crime” was having killed a homosexual who had made advances on his person.
There is a case of a National Socialist who voted in a State election for an issue to deny bond for certain violent crimes, only to be arrested
himself and charged with just such a crime and, since the issue passed, denied bond. What of Joseph Paul Franklin– and any of the men
who follow in his Heroic footsteps– who may one day face the System’s “death by injection”?
You must remember the System is going to do NOTHING to “fight crime” but only to increase the degree of its hold over every individual. It
CREATED the crime wave in the first place as an excuse and a plausible cover for the erection of its POLICE STATE. And if it can again
USE the issue of rampant crime to get YOU to agree with the death penalty, only to turn right around and use it on you and other White
We want to see crime and chaos rise to such a degree where the System becomes no longer viable and falls apart. We want to see them
lose control, not increase it. We want to hasten the death of the System, not postpone it. (The Liberal do-gooders, so hated by Conservative
advocates of the death penalty, SAVED THE LIFE of Charles Manson and those of his circle who had been condemned to DIE in California
‘s gas chamber after the Conservative Nixon had declared them guilty in national headlines.)
What of such favorite Conservative issues as universal military service? They want a strong U.S military but they are so ignorant of history
that they are unaware that the U.S. has NEVER BEEN ALLOWED TO FIGHT AND DEFEAT AN ENEMY but only to go and kill other White
Men such as in the Civil War and the First and Second World Wars. They appear perfectly happy to go and fight another war to save alien
Besides– if you are a young White Man or Woman– do YOU wish to be drafted into any of the services alongside the dregs of society and
under Black officers, possibly to be sent to DIE in fabricated wars, possibly to be sent– a la Little Rock– to violently suppress your own White
Brothers and Sisters? No, let the military continue to crumble as it is doing for it is merely one more instrument of terror and coercion in the
hands of the Enemy.
What other Reactionary favorites can we choose from? Drugs? Abortion? Gun Control? If we are unable to recruit for our positive purposes
from the populace and get them to drop out of service to the System, then we must accept whatever means there may be to cause more of
them to fall by the wayside and become useless to Big Brother. The spread of the use of drugs is one of these methods. The increase in
abortion is one major symptom of the total collapse of American morality which is one of the pillars of any society. As long as the alien is in
control of the society, let it perish also! If the cowardly Reactionaries can fool themselves into believing they are “free” by possessing
firearms (but lacking the guts to use them) then it would be heartwarming to watch the System Pigs strip them of these.
Make no mistake, under OUR SOCIETY, our laws, crime would be eradicated overnight, likewise with the illicit use of drugs and unnatural
trends such as abortion, every man and woman would be militarily trained, every home in America would be well-stocked with defense
weapons. But this would only be in OUR society, never theirs.
[Vol. XII, #1 – Jan., 1983]


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