R.I.P. ATOMIC INC chorus:I remember one day maybe was the first day of my lifeYou came to my heart, my eyes wide open to youI feel warm, behind you take my hand insideKiss meKiss me againI feel you, remember one day I start to loveYes […]

luvwillow – lmfao im sorry

lyrics: suicide on my mindshe smiles at meshe’s so kindher pale skinand green eyesher black hairand small thighsangelgirl living onlinei wish that she was minei want her i need herbut i’m too scared to go outsidemy life is boringi’m scared to go outsidemy life is […]

luvwillow – edgy

im not crazy well maybe just a little bitcheck my swag its super sickshe likes my posts she likes my picsim so edgy but everybody wants melivestream my suicide burn it on your cdomg ur such a baddy crush it up lets take some addyif […]