Francisco Franco was one of the only men of his kind to survive the second world war. Hitler, Mussolini, Antonescu, Tiso and even Quisling were all long buried. Only a very select few managed to survive the war. As for Francisco Franco he had obviously taken the Axis side and he assisted the Germans in essentially every way except joining the war himself. Thankfully his level headed advisors won the day and Spain didn’t join the war. After the war, however, Franco was looked on with scorn. To many he had essentially got off the hook and he now became the international punching bag as Hitler had escaped Allied justice. All of Hitler’s sins were transferred to Franco and a wave of propaganda and hate followed. But who actually was Francisco Franco? How did he become the Caudillo, how come he didn’t join the second world war and how did his regime manage to last so long? I’ll be answering all of these questions and more, cutting through the post-war propaganda. This is the complete life of Francisco Franco.