Maybe, but agencies full of unelected bureaucrats will always lean Left...
i agree with this. most of what the department of education does is intrinsically leftist or anti-White, also.
The Department of Education has many different and varied responsibilities under its current formation and governs many offices including the Federal Student Aid (FSA), Institute of Education Sciences (IES), Office for Civil Rights (OCR), and the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS).
Federal Student Aid (FSA): focuses on giving free money to poor and "disadvantaged" people, promoting "equity" and "equal opportunity"
Office for Civil Rights (OCR): self-explanatory. an anti-White racket.
Institute of Education Sciences (IES): education outcomes research -- mostly a waste of money because they aren't going to run a study that takes genetic differences into account. merely provides "evidence" to keep the wealth transfer machine to niggers going (because they're "in need")
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS): giving money to retards. not as bad, but still intrinsically leftist.
fixing education in the US isn't going to be done through any of these divisions.