Adderall Substitute


Low rep power
Mar 22, 2024
Rep Power
I tried the Gorilla Mind stuff made by the Derek guy that runs the youtube channel "MPMD" or "more plates more dates".

You have to take 6 of the pills to really have an effect, it helped me focus and was kind of like a high feeling. It really was doing something. The issue is that it absolutely wrecked my stomach every time I took enough to really feel the effects (6 pills). I've never taken adderall and I used to try to get it from people in college but they wouldn't share. It was not fair at all that all the young students (I was early 30s when I went back to finish a degree) they are all hopped up on adderall and have an unfair advantage that also set higher expectations by the professors, they gave something like 20 hours of course work each class for every week to do outside class and it adds up when you take 4 or 5 classes and are trying to work. I ended up transferring to another university during the 2020 virus thing and did entirely remote classes there that they already had set up before the virus so it was a lot easier since they weren't "building the plane as they fly it" type of bull crap my other university that never had online classes was doing giving 80-100 hours of work a week.


High rep power
Jul 27, 2024
Rep Power
I wrote down Paul Town's health drink recipe from episode 2 or 3 of WoodsTown. PaulTown was reading from a list on stream, so I'd like to know if that recipe is online. I don't know though. PT seems to have a lot of interconnected websites from over the years so it would probably be hard to look for. The recipe below is noticeably incomplete, though all the ingredients are listed.

Vitamin C, one-quarter teaspoon
Vitamin D
guarana seed powder, one-half to one-quarter teaspoon
brahmi leaf powder
cocoa powder, undutched
taurine powder
red ginseng
ginkgo biloba
mocca root
Astragalus root, one teaspoon
kelp, one-quarter to one-third teaspoon
calamus root, American


Low rep power
Sep 6, 2024
Rep Power
I tried the Gorilla Mind stuff made by the Derek guy that runs the youtube channel "MPMD" or "more plates more dates".

You have to take 6 of the pills to really have an effect, it helped me focus and was kind of like a high feeling. It really was doing something. The issue is that it absolutely wrecked my stomach every time I took enough to really feel the effects (6 pills). I've never taken adderall and I used to try to get it from people in college but they wouldn't share. It was not fair at all that all the young students (I was early 30s when I went back to finish a degree) they are all hopped up on adderall and have an unfair advantage that also set higher expectations by the professors, they gave something like 20 hours of course work each class for every week to do outside class and it adds up when you take 4 or 5 classes and are trying to work. I ended up transferring to another university during the 2020 virus thing and did entirely remote classes there that they already had set up before the virus so it was a lot easier since they weren't "building the plane as they fly it" type of bull crap my other university that never had online classes was doing giving 80-100 hours of work a week.
retard lol, u bought the "influencer" thing lol, :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm: idiot, lol, ur dumb, lol, BRO everything that is marketed to you is a WORSE PRODUCT because they have to pay for MARKETING lOL!!! just go on amazon .com and buy the pills indivdually lol, i bet u dont even have adblock lmao boomer retard