i got memed into convincing my mom to make beef liver and had her do the "soak it in milk" thing and everything and then i couldn't eat more than 1 bite because the metallic taste was so overwhelming
i got memed into convincing my mom to make beef liver and had her do the "soak it in milk" thing and everything and then i couldn't eat more than 1 bite because the metallic taste was so overwhelming
there was a fucking piece of egg shell in my fucking mcgriddle not even joking. FUCKING GODDAMN NIGGERS RUINING THIS COUNTRY I GUARENTEE IT WAS AN AFRICAN NIGGER WHO DID THIS.
i hate practically all vegetables, i can't stand the taste or texture. i cook stuff with vegetables in a way where the taste and texture is minimized, like stir frying very finely cut spring onions and whatever or making meat and tomato soup where i line the pan with chopped onion to cook the meat and when i put the canned tomatoes in it boils to soften the onion and tomato to a point of being barely noticeable without the soup becoming bland
through this i have managed to attain the restructuring of my brain and am now able to eat onions, in general, fine. spring onions, leeks, mushrooms (if they're chopped finely enough) are other things that my brain now considers edible. i used to hate the taste of water but around 2018 i restricted myself to mostly buying milk and water instead of juice and now i have no problem drinking water and sometimes enjoy it
there are textures i don't like, but unless it's basically mucus or hairy or something freakish like that, "texture" isn't something that poses a significant barrier to me being able to eat something. there's nothing more challenging about the texture of mushrooms and onions than meat. actually, the texture of (non-ground) meat is worse because it's less uniform and might have cartilage or chewy fat in it.