Right now make an oath to never say something vile again or I will literally pray for your downfall which according to Sirach, God will listen to my prayer
Latin, in its ecclesiastical and scholarly usage, was never universal in the same way that English is now. Pope Pius XI, in his apostolic letter, Officiorum Omnium, clearly stated why the Catholic Church uses Latin: Ecclesia, ut quae et nationes omnes complexu suo contineat, et usque ad consummationem saeculorum sit permansura, et prorsus a sui gubernatione vulgus arceat, sermonem suapte natura requirit universalem, immutabilem, non vulgarem.
The Church, that it may hold in its embrace all nations and continue to the end of times, and that the common people may be utterly avoided in its government, requires a language, by its own nature, universal, immutable, and non-vernacular.
The importance of Latin to the Church lies in it not being a vernacular language. If it were a living language, it would be subject to exclusive idioms, differing connotations and meanings: the natural development of all living languages. In order for a language to be, like the Church, universal and immutable, it cannot be a vernacular. It is precisely because Latin is a dead language that it will serve us to the end of times.