phil knight is a retard for not naming the company Knight instead of Nike. it would have been better, and it's his own family name.
imagine walking around as Henry Ford. like ya, my name is Mr. Ford. that's right. ur wife drives my creation, fagot.
ur daughter gives blowjobs in the vehicle i manufactured, bitch nigger.
Phil Knight can't go around calling himself Mr. Nike cause he fucked up. nobody even knows who this guy is and so he's another nameless fagot.
might as well change his name to Knigger. cause that's wat he is.
i like Nike btw it's objectively superior asthetically to every other shoe brand and it's not even close. it's the only SS-tier sportswear logo.
Adidas looks like mexican footballer beaner core.
puma is dollar tree broke nigger vibes.
fila? lmao nuff said.
champion is knida hot when girls wear it. if ur a guy tho... bruh.
*note: girls wearing the classic low top adidas is actually peak kino and probly hotter than them wearing nike which is too masculine. thanks for ted talking i farded again yep