Harvey Weinstein Sentenced To 16 Years In Prison For No Reason

Harvey Weinstein Sentenced To 16 Years In Prison For No Reason

Rape isn’t real.

From Reuters:

Harvey Weinstein, the onetime Hollywood titan who came to epitomize a culture of pervasive sexual misconduct by powerful men that ignited the #MeToo movement, was sentenced on Thursday to 16 years in prison for the 2013 rape of an actress in Los Angeles.

The sentence, to run consecutively to the 23-year prison term that Weinstein, 70, already is serving for a sexual misconduct conviction in New York, made it all the more likely the Oscar-winning ex-producer will spend the rest of his life incarcerated.

Weinstein, seated in a wheelchair in brown jail garb, professed his innocence and implored the judge, “I beg your mercy,” moments before she pronounced his sentence. The two-hour proceeding unfolded in the same Los Angeles courtroom where a jury in December found Weinstein guilty of rape, forcible oral copulation and sexual penetration by a foreign object.

Normally, I would pray that they’d throw a Hollywood Jew underneath the jail and throw away the key. But not with this particular kike. The entire #MeToo movement was built upon this man’s sexcapades. The media made him and Bill Cosby out to be the ultimate monsters. I just don’t buy their narrative, ever. When I think of rape, I like to imagine how I’d go about it. Chains to radiators and hot branding come to mind. Not me begging a woman to come to my room. Imagine being a millionaire Hollywood producer and having to ask a whore for sex. How pathetic. Actresses should expect that if they work for Jews, they’re going to have to suck some cock. This is Lindy; everyone knew this back in the day.

Anyway, I couldn’t care less that a Jew is going to jail, even if I believe it’s under false pretenses. I applaud the justice system here. I’m just saying he should be going to jail for being Jewish and not for having sex with women.


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