So You Wanna Be A Namefag?

So You Wanna Be A Namefag?

$lave’s Note: This is by Matt Parrott Circa 2017. We all know the lore behind him and how distasteful it is. Still a good article. Gives us some insight into the culture around that time.

In chan culture, “namefag” is a term of derision for a person who chooses to use a name rather than being anonymous on the board. It’s a culture where anonymity is prized and anybody drawing attention to his identity raises suspicion and oftentimes outright contempt. But for many, going public is seen a a natural next step, as a necessary act of courage one’s morally obligated to undertake.

Finally, you imagine, all of those jerks calling you a coward for hiding behind a computer will be silenced!

Slow down, hero. Before you rip off the mask, be sure you’re absolutely sure it’s the right move for you. Lives, careers, families, fortunes, and friendships have been ruined by men who didn’t put enough thought into it. Consider Curtis Maynard, whose attempt to promote his Holocaust Revisionist project under his own name drove a wedge between himself, his Mexican wife, and his blended family.

Curtis cracked under the combined pressure of the persistent online harassment, career strain, and the divorce, walking up to his ex-wife’s house in the pouring rain to shoot her dead, shoot his step-daughter in the face, and chase around his two children before leading the police on a high speed chase that ended with him turning his gun on himself while driving, sending his car spinning into a head-on collision with a family mini-van. Try to avoid ending up like Curtis.

There are more stories if you care to look, and there are countless more private nightmares which didn’t boil over into the newspapers. While we Americans enjoy our First Amendment which guarantees that the government can’t and won’t shoot you for expressing your political opinion, we’re subject to an Orwellian regime of soft tyranny which may well drive you to shoot yourself.

Some nationalists wish to downplay this threat, insisting that we should all just nut up and accept the consequences. I’m hopeful that more folks will choose to go public in the future, leveraging the opportunities for community outreach and real world activism which going public allow. But before you pull a Leeroy Jenkins out of that trench, you need to carefully evaluate two things: your activist niche and your personal situation. A failure to arrive at the correct answer will get you rapidly cut down and pulled out of action, rendered less useful for the cause than you were beforehand.

Your Activist Niche

What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? Where’s your niche in the movement? If you’re not a people person, you’re better off in the back office performing persistent online activism. At the very most, stick to local meetups and protests, which rarely result in high-profile exposure. If your niche doesn’t involve being entrusted with sensitive information or critical strategic decisions, you are better off remaining anonymous for now and leveraging the advantages that come with anonymity.

Don’t sweat the haters calling you a coward or bragging about their public acts of courage. This isn’t yesterday’s political struggle. We’ve entered a bizarre new fourth generation cyberwarfare infotainment bizarro realm where the old tropes about martial valor no longer apply in the same way. While men who are trained and ready to stand and fight still matter greatly, that is merely one front in this vast multi-front political campaign. Trolling the piss out of second-rate Jewish celebrities on Instagram, embedding yourself into hostile projects in order to scrape information and spread disinfo and encourage infighting, and even serving up piping hot memes are all far more serious work than they may look and feel.

Knocking back Mountain Dews until three in the morning to help keep a pro-white hashtag trending on Twitter is real struggle. It’s real work. Many namefags become namefags for the ego boost, and then cash in on the ego boost by bragging about it and leveraging it as a sort of get out of jail free card when they’re losing Facebook arguments.

Speaking as a relatively prominent namefag who got to jump across the hood of moving cars through traffic in pursuit of antifa we got to beat the piss out of, who’s been featured in most major newspapers and media outlets, who’s on all of the ADL, SPLC, and antifa “hate” lists, and who’s routinely recognized in WalMart as “the altright guy from the news,” my extensive work pales in comparison with the achievements of Ricky Vaughn’s twitter account and several other meme heroes.

I get why “namefag” is a slur in chan culture, because I routinely see the arrogant namefags antagonizing anonymous activists. Going public is actually dishonorable if your work doesn’t benefit from it and you’re only doing it for the attention and acclaim. Whatever your decision, our movement absolutely must stop the antagonism between the men in the trench and the men under enemy fire.

The men above the trench should rely heavily on the men in the trench, and the men in the trench should support the men above it. In this war, as in every war since the dawn of civilization, the men running the supply lines, logistics, and intelligence, have been as critical to victory as the frontline soldiers.

Let’s stop arguing about who has the hardest job and start arguing about who’s doing their job the hardest.

Pick One, …and Only One

If you’re still not dissuaded from going public, congratulations. Going public is an important job and we need public faces. You can’t be trusted in critical leadership and strategic positions if you’re anonymous. Many anonymous folks resent that fact, but it’s been born out time and time again by bitter trial and error. It’s quite easy to craft a convincing online persona that masks massive vulnerabilities which would make people think twice about entrusting you with critical information and make-or-break decisions.

Don’t trust an anonymous leader. Period. Most of them are honest and sincere. Most of them aren’t cointelpro spies or whatever. It doesn’t matter. There must be a simple hard and fast rule in our movement that any hierarchy consist of men who actually know who one another are. There are benefits to secrecy, but the pitfalls and risks decisively outweigh those benefits. The bottom line is that White Americans don’t yet have the kind of ingroup loyalty and tightly knit family networks that Organized Jewry, the Mafia, and other successful secretive networks relied upon.

If there’s an anonymous or pseudonymous leader, or an “important backer,” or a masonic-style initiatic hierarchy with what you’re getting involved in, get involved in something else. If you must be involved in a secretive project, be anonymous yourself and operate under the assumption that there’s at least one compromised node in the network at all times. If there’s a forum, assume it’s getting screencapped. If the forum has private messaging, assume the leader will get blackmailed into handing the database dump over, which includes those private messages.

It’s that murky middle ground between being another anon among anons operating a Right Wing Safety Squad through Tor Browser and going the full Jimmy Marr where people tend to get in trouble. Things get carried away, privacy levels evolve over time, antifa and infighting danger levels shift over time, and what seemed like a meaningless detail becomes a smoking gun that imperils an activist empire. Don’t just anxiously sneak out of the trench. Arm yourself to the gills, grip an extra magazine between your teeth, and leap out of the trench.

It’s Just a Flesh Wound

One time while returning from a local carnival, a menacing Rottweiler started running toward my younger step-daughter. I immediately ran toward the dog as if to tackle it. I suppose I would have attempted to tackle the poor dog, but I know enough about dogs to know that it wouldn’t get to that point. He was immediately startled and ran off. I basked in the glory of being a fake hero, then I explained to her that even though she was weaker than the dog, she should have squared off with it and made a threat display.

Humans are also predatory mammals, and they also instinctively give chase when a creature behaves in a weak, nervous, and scared manner. There have been a couple times when the antifa genuinely bungled my personal shit up bad with a couple of their exposure stunts. I successfully hid that I had been wounded, and they’ll never know which times they harmed me and which times they didn’t. This thing so many nationalists do, where they sort of tease and flirt around on the line between anonymity and publicity, is blood in the water that attracts attacks.

Even worse, after being wounded, they flail around begging for mercy and lamenting the severity of their injury. There are some special exceptions, but the general rule must be to avoid letting them know when they’ve landed a damaging volley. Try to resist the urge to set up a GoFundMe with a long essay about how your mom’s boyfriend is going to kick you out of his unfinished garage for losing your Wendy’s job. They know we’re all human and we all have vulnerabilities, but we must do our best to project a front of invincibility and indifference to doxxing shenanigans.

They know that some of us are vulnerable in some ways. It’s our job to make it hard for them to know which of us are vulnerable and how.

Your Personal Situation

Are you working in a career where your being a nationalist would leave you and your family out on the street? Instead of putting your family through that, only to end up too busy working at both Wendy’s and McDonald’s at the same time to keep your enraged wife from divorcing you, just take an hour to figure out bitcoin and tithe 10% of your disposable income to the projects which are achieving tangible goals.

When you donate to Heimbach, you’re as critical as he is. He’s an experienced expert in dealing with death threats, dealing with people interviewing his middle school classmates for dirt, getting fired for being a nationalist, convincing his wife to let him go on all of the dangerous adventures, and getting glared at in the supermarket. There’s certainly room for other Heimbachs in this struggle. Let a hundred Heimbachs bloom. But don’t end up in the mass grave of nationalist activists who attempted to pull the perilous half-Heimbach.

If you have a firm trade skill, have airtight union protections, rely on a steady trust fund, draw from a nice pension, or whatever your secure financial situation is, then your personal situation entails and implies going public. You’ve passed the first test. The second test is your private life. As an exercise, imagine yourself explaining your full nationalist position to your neighbor, your co-workers, your extended family, and your wife without the shit hitting the fan. If you’ve already done that or you’re confident you could do that, then you’ve passed the second big test.

Then final test of your personal situation is your own nerve. Are you inclined to laugh off anonymous death threats? If somebody were to blackmail you by email, would you entertain caving to the demand? Are you the nervous sort? This is an awkward question, as I’m basically asking you if you have courage. It’s better to honestly answer in the negative now than to have the negative answer exposed in a damaging and humiliating way later. There’s plenty of vital work that a man can perform who isn’t especially courageous.

In many ways, “cowardice” is another way of describing a strong future-time orientation, and “courage” is another way of describing a weak future-time orientation. We White men are sort of a strange bunch. While Blacks are often crippled with terror at the prospect of ghosts, stray dogs, or harmless wildlife, White men are eager to march into haunted houses and houses that are on fire. But our weakness is social courage. A White guy who wouldn’t hesitate to jump into a freezing river to save a drowning dog is often paralyzed at the prospect of water cooler stinkeye.

If there’s a chance you could lose your nerve by important people in your daily life calling you a “racist” or whatever, then you should hesitate to go public until others have achieved more in the way of reducing the social stigma imposed on our political position. Stepping up only to step down is worse than never having stepped up at all, and deals a major propaganda victory to the enemy while dealing a major black pill to your comrades. Be honest with yourself.

Life After Dox

This seems like one long essay designed to discourage public activism. I stand behind all that. The risks are real. There are numerous tangible reasons to remain in the nationalist closet. But aside from the practical activist opportunities presented by being fully public, there’s also the intangible feeling of liberation that one enjoys after going public and remaining public after the enemy has exhausted every attempt to silence you. We are right. We White folks have a right to pride in and defense of our heritage and identity. The bewildered look in a cuck’s eyes when he expects his social shaming to work and it doesn’t, and his attempts to escalate only reveal your power level, is more delicious than Wendy’s limited-time four-for-four special.

Many are reading this in the wake of the doxxing of Mike Enoch and the fallout at TRS. I stand in solidarity with the TRS project and my sympathy is with Mike Enoch, even as I support his decision to step down from leading the project. I am confident from direct communication with the higher-ups that the project’s necessary transition will result in a stronger network than before. We don’t get to choose our private lives and personal situations we’re in when we get woke. Modern America is a dumpster fire of multiculturalism, miscegenation, and degeneracy. Some of our most talented nationalists arrive from some of the darkest corners of it, often on account of their familiarity with the abyss.

Whatever your personal business, whatever skills you bring to the table, approach your nationalist work with clarity, honesty, and trepidation. We can’t allow our ambitions or egos to cloud our decision-making. Even if you got woke after waking up from your sex change operation, even if you’re not in a financial position to leave your mandingo gay marriage partner at the moment, even if you’ve got straight-up Comet Ping Pongbusiness in your past, and even if you’re fat, if you’re awakened to the necessity of identity and tradition, you have an obligation to stand and fight in the most constructive way your situation allows.


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