The Naturalist Paradox

The Naturalist Paradox

In “The Conspiracy Against the Human Race” Thomas Ligotti attempts to describe existence in the most pessimistic terms. Inspired by the cosmic monsters of H.P. Lovecraft, he determines that conscious experience is a nightmare that should’ve never been. It makes sense from a materialist perspective. If the universe, as far as we can understand it, is nothing but material forces and we are nothing but advanced replicators that evolved consciousness simply because it allowed our genes to replicate more frequently, than our lives are a meaningless flash in a deterministic process.

The popularity of things like the work of Lovecraft or the Alien films offers an alternative and sinister mythology of potential life on other planets. While Jewish filmmakers like Spielberg see Aliens as either friendly or an invading army, the aliens of Lovecraft and Ridley Scott are monstrously indifferent to the affairs of human beings. They are blind survival machines that navigate the universe and conquer as they please. And why shouldn’t they be like that? Would this not be more a more likely possibility than the optimistic, politically charged narratives about space and extraterrestrial life that dominates in media?

This fear of the great nothing in a post religious world has left the human race in a place of paralysis. Recently Elon Musk discussed that his mission to build an AI and colonize space is driven by an existential crisis to find the meaning of life. “The more we can expand consciousness, become a multiplanet species, ultimately a multistellar species, we have a chance of figuring out what the hell’s going on.” He believes that somewhere down the line we will be able to formulate the right questions that we need to answer. World historical levels of human insanity.

Is it rational for us to ask these questions, or to try and find “the right questions”? At what point in history did the problem present itself to us? Do we exist in the domain of the material or the biological? What all these thinkers fail to consider is the fact that our standards for “meaning” are themselves products of biology and therefore can only have a biological solution. One can call it the “subjectivist paradox” or “naturalist paradox”. To say “there is no meaning in the universe” requires a totally subjective definition of “meaning” and “universe”. Any emotional disturbance that comes from a lack of meaning merely indicates a lack of assimilation, if we are being honest about human biology. There was a time where ones definition of “meaning” exists completely within the confines of a subjective racial, pagan identity.

Before the dominance of technology, the fate of the world was completely determined by politics. In our time of individualism and human rights, we find it hard to visualize the horror of political reality. You, your brothers, your family and community could be subjected to a hellish world of arbitrary violence that could swarm from over the hill at any moment. You can choose death in battle, suicide, or become a piece of farm equipment for your enemies. Many of us are just a few generations away from that reality. At a certain point the reality of our ancestors was relegated to a slave existence while a separate caste of political actors created countries, languages, cultures, and values.

Consider the horror of such an existence. This foreign entity has you in chains. They can to whatever they want to you and your family at any moment. You don’t speak their language. You don’t know what they’re up to. They may have strange religions, customs, and ambitions that disturb and mystify you. You are terrorized by a pack of mad animals and their arbitrary madness dictates reality itself. From this, one can understand how multi generational mythologies of resistance can emerge as part of subjugated racial identity.

Visions of violence, genocide, starvation, and religious persecution can all act as catalysts for a slave rebellion. Those are the things the lower classes take seriously enough to mobilize them into political action to the point where they’re willing to kill and die. And who could blame them? In the course of human history there have been moments of great brutality from those in power. In “Suicide Note” Mitchell Heisman lays out the entire Anglo Saxon ethos that emerged from the brutality of the Norman conquest. The entire mythology of the Jews focuses on this- from ancient Egypt, to the Maccabee revolt, to the destruction of the second temple, to the holocaust. Many Irish people have a mythology revolving around the bitter subjugation of the English. One can sympathize with sick and starving Irish children, or a proud Anglo Saxon people facing catastrophic military defeat, or a family of Jews being gunned down and thrown into a pit. These things are a part of our history and such images are used by Jews, liberals, Christians, individualists, and moralists of all kinds to critique natural political hierarchy and justify modern “liberal democracy”.

Liberal democracy, however, failed to defeat the madness of arbitrary political authority that once came from the Norman boot. A new class of parasites now act as the elite caste. Politics becomes a matter of mobilizing the least comfortable people to makes laws that will make them slightly more comfortable. The political body disintegrates as foreigners start to move in because even something like national borders can’t be politically justified outside of the old definitions of politics. The lower classes all become educated. A new cannon of values, reason, academia, and history is suddenly established. Reality itself has been rewritten. The economic and political conditions are created for someone like myself to exist and participate in the entire domain of knowledge.

Now that us slaves have been liberated by liberals, Anglos, and Jews, what is is our educated response to them? They manufactured us and created a problem for us. They removed the madness of “arbitrary” political authority and gave us the mad nihilism of end-of-history individualism and call it “reason” and “enlightenment”. Now, us educated ones, are faced with a choice. Do we side with the mission of worldwide individualism, human rights, and the preservation of the herd into infinity, or do we work to undermine and reverse the underpinnings of the slave revolution?
What do individualists have to offer us? Do we affirm their denial or racial, biological political authority? Everything that we love, everything that justifies and redeems life, whether we are conscious of it or not, it something that was handed to us from those great Pagan aristocrats. Kids in India will excitedly go watch an action movie featuring a chad Germanic white man acting like a god. This is a relic of the values of that old world. Everything in matters of taste, fashion, music, politics, athletics, aesthetics, masculinity, femininity, beauty itself- we owe it all to them. The art of the individualist, the plebian, the revolutionary is always something pathetic.

Without technology and the slave revolution in morality, our reality would still be a Pagan Roman reality, or a Norman reality. There would only be the assimilated conquering elite animal and the undifferentiated slaves. This is why Jews sometimes claim responsibility for creating “conscience” itself or modern morality itself. On a certain level, they are right. They mobilized white men to take the mantle of political authority from the mad tyrants and put a pause on natural selection. They appeal to our pride and paint us as class traitors if we reject their slave morality. But now we are comfortable and educated, and the rest of the world is closing in. We can’t justify any political reality other than global meritocracy and political extinction. Everything that justifies life gets eaten away into a meaningless mediocrity.

Those who uphold the current system find themselves in a hostage situation. Reality is not on their side. They educated the masses during a time when “education” was only beneficial to them. Now we are more educated than them and find their values to be quite unreasonable and unenlightened. Jewish intelligence was able to overcome blind Aryan political paganism, but Aryan intelligence is making a comeback. Since the current order is predicated on reason and universal rights, there is nothing they can do when educated peasants use their reason and rights to wholeheartedly affirm the genius and authority of Aryan Paganism. The entire project of modern human rights, modern morality, even “monotheism” itself, was all futile when it comes to the natural selection/ political realism scoreboard.

The greatest thing a modern white man can be is a class traitor. Betray the slave revolution. Our “humanity” is not the humanity that was artificially manufacture in recent history. The “humanity” of the individual, the downtrodden, the Christian, the Jew. Our humanity is a “Normanity”- a Pagan Dionysian humanity. We accept the consequences of the madness of biology and shake ourselves from the mire of depressed races longing for a promise land.

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