Why Apolloism Is 3.0

The first obvious question is: why this LARPing? Apollo? Get real. To be clear, Apolloism is, in part, a political formation. From a Christian concept of Religion it might also be understood as a “secular” formation.
To be an Apollonian, no “leaps of faith” or superstitious beliefs are required. In fact, they are prohibited. Apollo, in contrast to Bacchus, and the intoxicating personal salvation gods that are derived from him, including Christ, is a God of Sobriety, Clear Sightedness and Clear Thinking.
Wait are you saying you believe a God named Apollo actually exists? Not in the manner a Christian understands the existence of his God but in the manner all Gods exist or at least in any evident dimension, as metaphor. Here’s where things become especially meaningful.
Precisely as Yahweh is a clear metaphor and synonym for the Jew or Jewry, Apollo is unequivocally a metaphor and synonym for the Nordic Aryan or the Aryan Race. More he’s a metaphor for the eugenically sound Nordic Aryan. More he is by far the best representation of this surviving from a pre-Christian past. There isn’t another God or metaphor that is even close.

Hence, to be plain, to honor “Apollo,” one honors their race, particularly its best element. To be plainer, Apollo is a synonym of the Aryan race. Yet Apollo is a profoundly more civilized and powerful word for it. Hence “one weird trick” for victory is simply a change in language.
But why do we even require this metaphor? Metaphor is the building block of parable, parable the building block of culture, culture the destroyer or the preserver and ameliorator of the Aryan race. It is really that simple. Culture speaks to women and children, culture speaks to the herd which is feminine, it whispers, it sings, it is gentle. Yes, it is a lie, but with Apollo, the God of Truth, it is a lie that is true. To wit, it is a lie that is salubrious. Why do we require this metaphor? The answer is: survival and amelioration is impossible without this metaphor. This is why Apollo is sacred and why we must make him sacred again.
Hence Apollo, whether carefully masked by an artist as another novel figure, to incept the God into the minds of millions as a preparatory action, or openly revealed, becomes the definitive hero of parable whereby the Aryan race is shown victorious. It is by showing this Aryan victory through myth and parable that one brings it into being, one “prophesizes it.” Hence Apollo, as the definitive Aryan, becomes the first and central element of a moralizing propaganda, Religion and Art tradition. This is an Art and Religion tradition that is creative, undogmatic and unbeholden to dusty false Gods that often were never ours to begin with. It is bound and loyal only to the Aryan race, Apollo.
Indeed, like the Jewish God, Apollo, the Master of All Arts, is a living God, knowledgeable in symbols and capable of the intelligent production of moralizing Art and Propaganda. He is a fertility God that re-establishes through Art, Propaganda and Religion, the natural hierarchy where it is taken for granted, for example, that to women the Aryan man is by far in a way the most desirable. He restores the senses and the healthy instincts.

Here we return to a classical sense of Religion. And, indeed, we declare Apolloism a Religion. After all, it would function in many ways that are similar to the cult of Judaism if also in many important ways that are different. It’s goal of course is the opposite of Judaism’s. Yet as Judaism it would be a cult interested in securing secular worldly power so as to protect, ameliorate and vastly empower the race it represents.
The focus is on the here-and-now or the “cosmos” as it is called in Christian theology. For if we allow ourselves distraction from this, if we cede this world to our adversary who reveals himself constantly to be dishonest, cruel and malevolent, than by no reasonable definition might we be called “good,” only cowardly.
Any invisible afterworld God that rejects us on this basis or on some petty insistence we honor some specific Jewish name, is himself evil and ultimately unappeasable or appeasable only through passivity before evil.
And yet, it is true, one name and banner is important for us to once more begin to cohere. And one may not have two or multiple Gods before him. One acknowledges the existence of other Gods and powers, as the Christian acknowledges demons. In this way he is a polytheist. Yet he does not honor them above Apollo, the Aryan race.
Unlike Judaism, Apolloism will not look outside for its brides but rather there would be an actual matrilineal requirement. Rather it will “grow its talent” from within. It will be eugenically minded toward a beautiful, intelligent, strong and well-rounded Nordic sort.
Understanding the appeal Judaism gains by pretending endogamy, elitism and exclusiveness, Apolloism would actually practice this. Hence it would gain this appeal in earnest because its pride is real. Rather people, particularly women, sense when pride is real. It functions to them as a magnet, in this case, a magnet with the gravitational pull of the sun.
As a Religion it would gain the legal protections of a Religion, essential in this day of unmitigated anti-White hatred. It would also gain Religion’s plausible deniability. One could actually claim to believe in an existing Apollo if pressed. One could disavow the “racist” ideas of M.Brahmin and declare that they have a “different, ‘truer’ concept of the ancient Religion.” In other words, one could readily play all the games that Jews do or at least for any period in which this is expedient.

What if I am Mediterranean? What if I am short? What if I am less than “Apollonian”? All men are distinct from Apollo in his idealized from and all are less than Apollo and perhaps particularly in this day. Apolloism describes both an ideal eugenic type but it is also aspirational. The Apollonian is both the relatively eugenically fit Nordic Aryan and the man who supports and defends this vital and racially youthful type, who knows, without him, the plant of civilization will receive no light and will wither from the universe all together, at best fossilizing into something uncreative, unambitious, something Chinese. Then at some point a meteorite will appear and the end.
Yet Apollo is a rejecting and “vetting” God. With him, there is the Thargelia. Bad or base people will be rejected, after a fair assessment, without compunction. Virtue, fealty and quality will be the criteria.
Without Apollo, the God of Arts and Music, you have no way of accessing the mind of the flock. You are “political man,” a drab, worried, complaining man with no culture, no charisma, no truly wooing propaganda and no interests except the futile will to power of a man with no means to it. Instead you live in a hovel among the deltas of a salting sea, downstream from the culture that has massively enlarged your adversaries. Without Apollo the light goes out on the human race forever.
Strange costumes, rituals and temples? There are no immediate plans for this. But such things develop naturally, particularly to the delight of children and women as this study explicates. And when they do, they won’t be strange. There will be no “cringe,” LARPing or tolerance for it. The great artists of the future, understanding symbol through Roman Interpretation, and practicing “God-Masking” until they may reveal the Godhead, will appear from Apolloism only. For there, there will actually be criteria. Ritual will become in some cases merely the consuming of this moralizing art, of children acting out their favorite scenes of triumph.
Yet for this brief moment Apollo is just a name as well as many who believe in Him. But to be sure there are few things more powerful than a name. Encoded in this one is the prophesy of immortal life and not merely for your own selfish person. More, Apollo is your name as well. This can be said of no other God and no other means to victory.
But he will not seek you. He will not pander to you. And he will not lie to you. He lives above and will not come down. You must seek him.
Read more here:The Cult of Apollo Part I: a Eugenics Cult here: The Cult of Apollo Part II: The Apollonian versus the Vulcanian and here: The Cult of Apollo Part III: Apolloism versus Christianity