Why is anime better than western media?


I 🖤 love
High rep power
Apr 20, 2024
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Game creation became the biggest desire for every white nerd I knew (even I at one point desired this), and white nerd culture previously was anti-normie and autistically focused on quality, now it has declined to trooncore but that is a more recent development. I would have thought we would have gotten a few more years of good western games out of them before all the troons moved in. Have all these white nerds been domesticated by college?
The white nerds are troons now. Obsessive, analytical, isolated people with low self-esteem are fish food for sexually deviant terminally online subcultures, and basically have been since day 1 of the internet. A few of our BASED memes were delivered to normie social media by masochistic troons with taste browsing 4chan and forums like this one.

A lot of them are actually very thoughtful, self-aware, artistic people, although real troon talent often has an inverse relation to productivity, as is the case for many autistic-depressive perfectionist types. This ensures that lower quality work has space to float to the top. The most offensively bad example is leftist Twitter artists, but Soundcloud is a treasure trove of obscure transgemder bangers.
<- me gatekeeping the trooncore
But more importantly than the reasons for western media sucking which are easier to critique because we are closer to them.
This is part of it. A lot of anime is unbelievably cringe but it circumvents your cringe protection by being in a foreign language and being drawn. It's physically hard for me to watch bad actors read bad lines. Not a problem for anime. Other qualities of the medium can shine through when bad character writing and performances aren't as much of an issue.

anime is not better than Western film, and there has never been an anime better than Breaking Bad (except for NGE and *maybe* FLCL).
I think I agree with this but I need to consoom more to decide. FLCL is one of the only shows that ever really "touched" me. I must have found it at exactly the right time.
anime seriously suffers from the way japanese people seem to dislike planning out story arcs in advance
A lot of anime/manga is structured like the Divine Comedy. The author has something to say or something to show you, but they don't really know how to work it in to a complete narrative, so it ends up being more like a tour than a story. Anime is notorious for tactless exposition and the whole genre suffers for it.
it's a tragedy how much untapped potential Haruhi has as a series... because the author had (and still has) no interest in developing and resolving its plot.
DUDE SO REAL I feel this feel completely unprompted like once a week.



Low rep power
May 30, 2024
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anime seriously suffers from the way japanese people seem to dislike planning out story arcs in advance -- there are very few anime which, to my knowledge, have a satisfying conclusion. even conclusions that i like (including the somewhat controversial conclusions of NGE and cowboy bebop) seem to lack foresight. does this come from Tragedy being a significant genre in classical Western storytelling and not japanese storytelling? in many cases, japanese authors seem driven to prolong their series as long as financially possible, like the concept of ending the series doesn't even matter to them, so you end up with things like berserk never even getting a conclusion. will nishio ever end monogatari? has he ever even thought about making the overall series go anywhere? anime frequently gives me the feeling of going around in circles until the author runs out of energy.

Breaking Bad and Death Note are similar in many ways; the main character is a highly competent, genius sociopath white male who kills people and has an unrealistic goal that he will never reach. (also, the guy in charge of investigating him is a family member and the main character knows he's being investigated by his family member which gives him special advantages and pushes the plot forward).

Death Note is somewhat of an unusual anime in its brisk pacing. despite this, it still gave me the anime feeling of going in circles aimlessly. (spoiler alert) L dies -- and then he gets replaced with L 2.0. was this planned out in advance? why? eventually, light gets outsmarted -- why? it felt like it happened just because the series had to end... because the author was out of energy or something. Breaking Bad's conclusion wasn't exactly good, but it felt natural in the sense that the story had played itself out fully.
Are you fucking kidding me?

Anime's appeal is largely that it's the only fucking television you can find that will have a start, middle, and ending that was actually planned and plays out in one run. Your example of the superiority of western television is Vince Gilligan, who is a gigantic outlier whose one personally led project is the most culturally significant western tv show of the century.

You can't use the western tv show to stand for all western tv and at the same time dismiss anime in general and expect me not to tell you to go rape yourself with a cinderblock.

Breaking Bad is not western television. Breaking Bad is Breaking Bad. You either know that on some level and are fucking with us because you have internalised japan-only racism (very common on the right), or you don't realise at all what you are doing and really think this is a serious case, in which case you're so fucking dumb I also have to attack you.

You have ONE EXAMPLE for Western tv that you consider worthy of consideration in discussing quality, while your examples of anime are a constant effortless stream of different titles. Is that not all that needs to actually be said? You like Breaking Bad. Great. What else? Better Call Saul?

Posts expressing this kind of sentiment always devolve into a kind of negatively sentimental vomit where you sigh and humm and haaaaaaaaaa and post ellipses to smooth over the gaps where you have nothing to say and make absolutely no fucking sense and are obviously being extremely unfair. You take a microscope to Death Note to prove some kind of innate problem in the Japanese culture-soul, then immediately afterward concede that Breaking Bad had a bad ending, but that doesn't matter because it's natural. Fuck you, I say Death Note is "natural" too. Now we're at a critical impasse. Maybe you can get out your nature-o-meter and we can settle this.

There are lots of anime that are clearly going somewhere and can actually be called complete stories. To the point that's arguably the norm. While American television as a rule just goes until it stops and this is considered normal and appropriate. To me anime was always the tv where stuff happens and plots move. If you think that's unfair you're going to have to name something other than Breaking Bad that has something we can call a plot.

anime is "better" in the sense that most Western media is completely insufferable and offensive to my aesthetic sensibilities, whereas even mediocre anime is, at the very least, aesthetically pleasing. but i have far less of an expectation of "good anime" to be satisfying and cohesive than i do of "good movies" (made in America, Europe, or Russia).

it's a tragedy how much untapped potential Haruhi has as a series... because the author had (and still has) no interest in developing and resolving its plot.
Why are you talking about movies now? If we're talking western movies and want to compare them to anime, there are also anime movies. Those are the obvious comparison. In general movies will be more "satisfying" (stupid fucking sighnigger word) because the standard expected structure is a complete narrative. Do anime movies have this problem of conclusions?

slice of life is where anime unequivocally excels, yes. but it's a shame that we don't get more from anime.


Fuck you you stupid faggot nigger if I find you irl I am smashing your head in with a cinder block. "a shame we don't get more", what the fuck do you want and why is that a reasonable expectation anybody should take seriously? Yes. Everything could and maybe should be more. But why are you oh so sad and disappointed to say that the only culture in the world which can be classified as a failure is Japan?


Low rep power
May 30, 2024
Rep Power
The white nerds are troons now. Obsessive, analytical, isolated people with low self-esteem are fish food for sexually deviant terminally online subcultures, and basically have been since day 1 of the internet. A few of our BASED memes were delivered to normie social media by masochistic troons with taste browsing 4chan and forums like this one.

A lot of them are actually very thoughtful, self-aware, artistic people, although real troon talent often has an inverse relation to productivity, as is the case for many autistic-depressive perfectionist types. This ensures that lower quality work has space to float to the top. The most offensively bad example is leftist Twitter artists, but Soundcloud is a treasure trove of obscure transgemder bangers.
<- me gatekeeping the trooncore
Troons being good artists is another variation of the endless leftist meme that they have the creative gene and are high openness high status whatever the fuck else not wanting to cut off toddler penis means you are an irrational gated mind incapable of reflection etc.

As far as troons can be decent at anything it's all white nerd core, and like leftist representation in anything, their presence is mostly political. You can bet your ass that your favourite video game's discord server is ruled by a transsexual commissar who governs with an iron fist and considers their presence a brand upon the work in question, making it trans, and expanding the trans are artistic and creative empire with more claimed territory.

But what the fuck have they actually made lately? As far as I know their great contributions to music are Vektroid and half of 1000 Gecs (is that guy even a tranny? He looks just like every single other autistic scandi ever).

It's over chudbros... we lack the highstatuseugenicsopenness to do this...

This is part of it. A lot of anime is unbelievably cringe but it circumvents your cringe protection by being in a foreign language and being drawn. It's physically hard for me to watch bad actors read bad lines. Not a problem for anime. Other qualities of the medium can shine through when bad character writing and performances aren't as much of an issue.
I think about this a lot. I think that some kind of distance is good for OHRT. Social Realist standards are only good for gay retarded serious works about Jews sitting in rooms talking about how fascism is bad, or Scarlet Johannsen yelling at her husband, etc. It feels weird when such standards are dealing with anything more than the mundane.

The same goes for music, people talk-singing highly idealistic or energetic concepts at you is weird. But if we create some distance, not necessarily through another language...

I think that Nightcore works because it's English rendered into a form that feels like listening to Japanese with subtitles. There's no mental block of "someone talking like this in my presence would feel retarded, what if cool nigger saw?" etc.

I also believe that Japanese dramatic standards to some extent do this.

Look at the plot of this movie. Why should these people be talking like subdued naturalistic (lol) Jews in a drama about getting divorced? This movie is a caricature of reality, naturalist human elements would not fit.

The meme that the Japanese act funny in their live action media is the most retarded, provincial, japan only racist meme. It's so fucking stupid. It brings to mind some dumb fuck standing up in the audience of a Noh play and screaming "why the fuck are they TALKING like that?"

I think I agree with this but I need to consoom more to decide. FLCL is one of the only shows that ever really "touched" me. I must have found it at exactly the right time.
How does this subject make people so overwhelmingly retarded? How is the thought you are replying to not so on its face retarded to you that you ignore it or tell him to fuck himself? "Western Film is better than anime". What the fuck is that supposed to mean? In what universe is that a meaningful statement? Fuck you all. Woodcut Printmaking is superior to Western Film. Refute this statement or shut the fuck up and let this be my thread from now on.

Also FLCL is an OVA, which is a whole other dimension to the Japanese media quality question. One of many accepted forms of media release over there that helps to facilitate high personal creative inputs and production values. The Japanese are so much better than us at media because their cultural standards and media infrastructure are fucking incredible compared to our own. The opportunities for artists there are absolutely incredible compared to our own society. You don't get to make anything at the scale of an OVA over here and get anybody to look at it. What's our equivalent? Straight to DVD film? You still need to know 50 Jews to get one made and millions of dollars and nobody will watch.

A lot of anime/manga is structured like the Divine Comedy. The author has something to say or something to show you, but they don't really know how to work it in to a complete narrative, so it ends up being more like a tour than a story. Anime is notorious for tactless exposition and the whole genre suffers for it.
"They don't know"? Fuck you, this is just a way to do something. Anime is notorious for tactless exposition? Yeah when I think western television I think tact. Here is what Western Television putting on its THEMES hat looks like. Everyone who ever tries to say that western television has a serious and prestigious history should be strapped down into the clockwork orange chair and forced to watch this for 12 hours straight.



Staff member
Elite rep power
Nov 30, 2023
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Are you fucking kidding me?

Anime's appeal is largely that it's the only fucking television you can find that will have a start, middle, and ending that was actually planned and plays out in one run. Your example of the superiority of western television is Vince Gilligan, who is a gigantic outlier whose one personally led project is the most culturally significant western tv show of the century.

You can't use the western tv show to stand for all western tv and at the same time dismiss anime in general and expect me not to tell you to go rape yourself with a cinderblock.

Breaking Bad is not western television. Breaking Bad is Breaking Bad. You either know that on some level and are fucking with us because you have internalised japan-only racism (very common on the right), or you don't realise at all what you are doing and really think this is a serious case, in which case you're so fucking dumb I also have to attack you.

You have ONE EXAMPLE for Western tv that you consider worthy of consideration in discussing quality, while your examples of anime are a constant effortless stream of different titles. Is that not all that needs to actually be said? You like Breaking Bad. Great. What else? Better Call Saul?

Posts expressing this kind of sentiment always devolve into a kind of negatively sentimental vomit where you sigh and humm and haaaaaaaaaa and post ellipses to smooth over the gaps where you have nothing to say and make absolutely no fucking sense and are obviously being extremely unfair. You take a microscope to Death Note to prove some kind of innate problem in the Japanese culture-soul, then immediately afterward concede that Breaking Bad had a bad ending, but that doesn't matter because it's natural. Fuck you, I say Death Note is "natural" too. Now we're at a critical impasse. Maybe you can get out your nature-o-meter and we can settle this.

There are lots of anime that are clearly going somewhere and can actually be called complete stories. To the point that's arguably the norm. While American television as a rule just goes until it stops and this is considered normal and appropriate. To me anime was always the tv where stuff happens and plots move. If you think that's unfair you're going to have to name something other than Breaking Bad that has something we can call a plot.

Why are you talking about movies now? If we're talking western movies and want to compare them to anime, there are also anime movies. Those are the obvious comparison. In general movies will be more "satisfying" (stupid fucking sighnigger word) because the standard expected structure is a complete narrative. Do anime movies have this problem of conclusions?


Fuck you you stupid faggot nigger if I find you irl I am smashing your head in with a cinder block. "a shame we don't get more", what the fuck do you want and why is that a reasonable expectation anybody should take seriously? Yes. Everything could and maybe should be more. But why are you oh so sad and disappointed to say that the only culture in the world which can be classified as a failure is Japan?
your post presumes that i am defending Western television or arguing that it's superior to anime. i said that Western film is superior to anime, because pissballsack said anime is superior to Western "media." i didn't elaborate on this in my first post because it seemed somewhat obvious -- the comparison isn't even fair.

i don't watch television. i have not seen the wire, the sopranos, game of thrones, etc. i tried to watch better call saul and hated it.

i was actually going to make another post speculating about whether or not the reason for my claim about anime is structural based on the nature of serialized media -- because japanese film doesn't really have this problem. but the inverse of this claim would simply be that film is forced to conclude by the nature of the medium, and so obviously japanese films are far more structured than anime/manga. (the comparator to Western films should obviously just be japanese films, not anime films in particular)

i think i actually prefer japanese film to Western film. it's at least on par with most Western countries considered in isolation. maybe the way (which you dispute) that anime/manga/light novels tend to go on indefinitely or stagnate isn't because of japanese sensibilities or values, maybe it's for some other reason that isn't unique to japan. i don't actually have strong feelings about that, and i can assure you that i am a weeaboo, not anti-japanese. regardless, i do disagree with the notion that anime doesn't have a problem with concluding its stories. that hasn't been my experience watching anime at all. where are all of these anime with strong endings? one of the main reasons i lost significant interest in anime is because i was tired of being left feeling empty after the vast majority of 1-cour series.


Low rep power
May 30, 2024
Rep Power
your post presumes that i am defending Western television or arguing that it's superior to anime. i said that Western film is superior to anime, because pissballsack said anime is superior to Western "media." i didn't elaborate on this in my first post because it seemed somewhat obvious -- the comparison isn't even fair.

i don't watch television. i have not seen the wire, the sopranos, game of thrones, etc. i tried to watch better call saul and hated it.

i was actually going to make another post speculating about whether or not the reason for my claim about anime is structural based on the nature of serialized media -- because japanese film doesn't really have this problem. but the inverse of this claim would simply be that film is forced to conclude by the nature of the medium, and so obviously japanese films are far more structured than anime/manga. (the comparator to Western films should obviously just be japanese films, not anime films in particular)

i think i actually prefer japanese film to Western film. it's at least on par with most Western countries considered in isolation. maybe the way (which you dispute) that anime/manga/light novels tend to go on indefinitely or stagnate isn't because of japanese sensibilities or values, maybe it's for some other reason that isn't unique to japan. i don't actually have strong feelings about that, and i can assure you that i am a weeaboo, not anti-japanese. regardless, i do disagree with the notion that anime doesn't have a problem with concluding its stories. that hasn't been my experience watching anime at all. where are all of these anime with strong endings? one of the main reasons i lost significant interest in anime is because i was tired of being left feeling empty after the vast majority of 1-cour series.
Anime, manga, and light novels tend to go on indefinitely or stagnate.


Yes, I am aware that this is complicated by the fact that 500 trillion people have worked on these dogshit characters who refuse to die. In the case of their original creators there are the other problems of artist abuse and terrible frames they have to work in. Stories have to be short, go nowhere definitive, and be strung along together indefinitely.

The above works should be compared to something like the legacy of Godzilla or Devilman. Individual works go places and end. And then they just run it again whenever they feel like it. Continuity and lore are tenuous and disregarded because that would get in the way of the potential power of each individual work. A conceptual debt is owed to past works, but this is genuinely felt respect and obligation, rather than America's weird fake sentimental pretending to care about Superman. A retarded character who means nothing to anybody. People cried at Devilman: Crybaby in the 21st century. Superman's 21st century peak was Zack Snyder making a Zack Snyder movie and dragging demented comic "fans" along kicking and screaming for the ride.

If we wanted to make fair comparisons of cultures across media we would look at what both do within similar structures, and of course, we would consider the structures themselves as potentially reflecting the characters of the cultures in question. Manga is the most powerful culture industry on Earth because of its extraordinary empowerment of auteurs and hands on creative directors. American comics are by contrast ZOGGED to hell and back. A bunch of retarded Jews trying to create recognisable BRANDS through exposure and repetition which they can then force their artslaves to make repetitive iterations of forever.

Manga to some extent has its content dictated by form, but in all of the ways you take issue with it suffers from this the least out of all comics made anywhere in the world. And succeeds on the grounds by which you're judging success MORE THAN ANY OTHER MEDIUM ACTIVE RIGHT NOW. Out of all pop media manga more than any other is making an impact on the level of narrative. If you disagree tell me what is.

I really can't believe that this discussion is possible. That someone could say "I hate that one country that floods the world with pointless media that ambles on forever in accordance with production requirements" and you would think "yeah Japan has real problems".

If you want an anime that goes somewhere I recommend the original Mobile Suit Gundam. It caught on for a reason. But it's also not one of a kind. For one, they made several more which were also good, and the broader "mecha" phenomena produced many comparable works. Gundam is Axis Star Trek on one level, but it's also a successor to works like Space Battleship Yamato which already existed, and worked as complete space opera narratives. You can't do space opera that just hangs or fizzles out. These kinds of epic stories are meant to reach epic conclusions to make their points, and as a rule they did. In Japan.

People still watch and enjoy Gundam 79 in 2024. I have told people to and they've told me they like it. Have you found any new Battlestar Galactica fans lately?

Again, I am going to have to tell you to turn your anti-Japan microscope around. Where is the western tv with good endings? Is there a single "problem" with Japanese media that you're oh so reluctant to make an issue over that isn't 10000x worse in our own culture?


Staff member
Elite rep power
Nov 30, 2023
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Anime, manga, and light novels tend to go on indefinitely or stagnate.

View attachment 2942 View attachment 2943

Yes, I am aware that this is complicated by the fact that 500 trillion people have worked on these dogshit characters who refuse to die. In the case of their original creators there are the other problems of artist abuse and terrible frames they have to work in. Stories have to be short, go nowhere definitive, and be strung along together indefinitely.
comparing anime to capeshit is a bigger insult to anime than anything i posted. i am probably holding anime to an unrealistically high standard because i don't see any major obstacles to japanese people writing more great stories. i wouldn't even attempt to describe the shortcomings of the comics industry, because this industry should probably just be entirely wiped out and restarted from the beginning.

anime vs all of Western film is a fairer comparison than anime vs soycomics.
The above works should be compared to something like the legacy of Godzilla or Devilman. Individual works go places and end. And then they just run it again whenever they feel like it. Continuity and lore are tenuous and disregarded because that would get in the way of the potential power of each individual work. A conceptual debt is owed to past works, but this is genuinely felt respect and obligation, rather than America's weird fake sentimental pretending to care about Superman. A retarded character who means nothing to anybody. People cried at Devilman: Crybaby in the 21st century. Superman's 21st century peak was Zack Snyder making a Zack Snyder movie and dragging demented comic "fans" along kicking and screaming for the ride.
i'm not a fan of perennial characters, generally. has anything good come of people refusing to let sherlock holmes and doctor who die? i'm glad that japan does this less than America and Britain.
If we wanted to make fair comparisons of cultures across media we would look at what both do within similar structures, and of course, we would consider the structures themselves as potentially reflecting the characters of the cultures in question. Manga is the most powerful culture industry on Earth because of its extraordinary empowerment of auteurs and hands on creative directors. American comics are by contrast ZOGGED to hell and back. A bunch of retarded Jews trying to create recognisable BRANDS through exposure and repetition which they can then force their artslaves to make repetitive iterations of forever.
anime/manga/light novels "empowering auteurs" is why my first instinct was to blame shortcomings on racial or cultural attributes rather than economic constraints. i really don't understand why Nagaru Tanigawa hasn't ended haruhi. what the fuck is his problem? the last light novel was released 4 years ago. the first one was written over 20 years ago. are fans not demanding that he wraps it up? that he gives people closure? or is he going to fucking die without giving us release? this physically pains me. Kentaro Miura's death was a TRAGEDY. will nishio ishin die before araragi marries shinobu and lives happily ever after? this is all frustrating to me and i don't understand it. my first instinct is to be racist, even though i like japanese people a lot. i just don't understand why things have to be this way. nishio ishin would still be rich if he ended monogatari and started a new series. does the audience not want this?
Manga to some extent has its content dictated by form, but in all of the ways you take issue with it suffers from this the least out of all comics made anywhere in the world. And succeeds on the grounds by which you're judging success MORE THAN ANY OTHER MEDIUM ACTIVE RIGHT NOW. Out of all pop media manga more than any other is making an impact on the level of narrative. If you disagree tell me what is.
i would rather spend my time watching movies (especially japanese movies) than anime. anime too often leaves me feeling restless and hollow. i demand closure.
i'm not sure what you mean by impact. impact on the West?
I really can't believe that this discussion is possible. That someone could say "I hate that one country that floods the world with pointless media that ambles on forever in accordance with production requirements" and you would think "yeah Japan has real problems".
i'm describing my problems with Anime because i care about anime and think it can become better. nested within America's innumerable cultural diseases could be the same disease or a similar disease to whatever is causing the writer of haruhi suzumiya to think he doesn't need to finish his story before dying. that isn't really relevant to my interests.
If you want an anime that goes somewhere I recommend the original Mobile Suit Gundam. It caught on for a reason. But it's also not one of a kind. For one, they made several more which were also good, and the broader "mecha" phenomena produced many comparable works. Gundam is Axis Star Trek on one level, but it's also a successor to works like Space Battleship Yamato which already existed, and worked as complete space opera narratives. You can't do space opera that just hangs or fizzles out. These kinds of epic stories are meant to reach epic conclusions to make their points, and as a rule they did. In Japan.

People still watch and enjoy Gundam 79 in 2024. I have told people to and they've told me they like it. Have you found any new Battlestar Galactica fans lately?

Again, I am going to have to tell you to turn your anti-Japan microscope around. Where is the western tv with good endings? Is there a single "problem" with Japanese media that you're oh so reluctant to make an issue over that isn't 10000x worse in our own culture?
thanks for the recommendation. as i said before, i don't watch or care about television. i probably shouldn't have brought up Breaking Bad because doing so does imply that i believe Breaking Bad is reflective of Western media. it is not. i'm just obsessed with Breaking Bad and tend to use it as a measuring stick for everything. this past weekend i watched 2 movies and mentioned Breaking Bad when posting about both of them.

anyway, if mangaka have creative freedom, it doesn't matter what is happening in the West. anime/manga is a form of art that has not yet developed to the heights it can and should reach. the constraints placed upon Film (and also visual novels, to a lesser extent) seem to drive out some of these tendencies which have bothered me and severely diminished my enjoyment of this medium in spite of its freedom.


Low rep power
May 30, 2024
Rep Power
comparing anime to capeshit is a bigger insult to anime than anything i posted. i am probably holding anime to an unrealistically high standard because i don't see any major obstacles to japanese people writing more great stories. i wouldn't even attempt to describe the shortcomings of the comics industry, because this industry should probably just be entirely wiped out and restarted from the beginning.

anime vs all of Western film is a fairer comparison than anime vs soycomics.
How is a comparison of kind an insult? Shut the fuck up.

i'm not a fan of perennial characters, generally. has anything good come of people refusing to let sherlock holmes and doctor who die?
Yes. This.

i'm glad that japan does this less than America and Britain.
I would say Japan actually does it far more, just they do it well so it doesn't register as the same thing since we expect it to be awful.

anime/manga/light novels "empowering auteurs" is why my first instinct was to blame shortcomings on racial or cultural attributes rather than economic constraints. i really don't understand why Nagaru Tanigawa hasn't ended haruhi. what the fuck is his problem? the last light novel was released 4 years ago. the first one was written over 20 years ago. are fans not demanding that he wraps it up? that he gives people closure? or is he going to fucking die without giving us release? this physically pains me. Kentaro Miura's death was a TRAGEDY. will nishio ishin die before araragi marries shinobu and lives happily ever after? this is all frustrating to me and i don't understand it. my first instinct is to be racist, even though i like japanese people a lot. i just don't understand why things have to be this way. nishio ishin would still be rich if he ended monogatari and started a new series. does the audience not want this?

When we're talking about particular artists and particular works we need particular answers. There are plenty of Japanese narrative works which did finish in a timely manner. Perhaps the examples of finished works are more concentrated in bigger, more pipelined, and less creatively free mediums which demand results. Tomino had to finish Gundam because when producing TV you can't fuck around for years getting it perfect. You need your episodes by a deadline.

Miura was so successful he basically got tenure as an artist, many such cases. He was working again before his heart exploded, but I think he probably exhausted himself working as he did during the manga's main run. As for George Martin, he didn't stop writing. He's published thousands of pages since A Dance With Dragons. It's all secondary Westeros material. Novellists in general have a lot of freedom, so they can act like this. I imagine he gets absolutely stressed to hell when he thinks about writing The Winds of Winter because Westeros is such a dense picture in his mind now and he needs to get everything lined up perfectly. If it were tv he would have been whipped over the line by demanding bosses years ago, and maybe that would have been better, forced to pull things into line in an intuitive desperate rush, or maybe it would have gone as badly as the Game of Thrones tv show.

Anyway, the particular character of his work, extremely dense continent-spanning conspiracies, can't really be rushed or vaguely felt out. He needs to fill this stuff out top to bottom. There are forum threads talking about how the geography of Westeros reflects in universe environmental history which informs the cultures of the world. The work is dense. He needs time. I understand if he is stressed.

What we're seeing with Japanese artists and endings is a risk we run when talented autists are given a lot of freedom. They either want to expand insanely or they can just get tired or mentally hitch up. In general. Nothing stopping you investigating each particular case as far as you can.

i would rather spend my time watching movies (especially japanese movies) than anime. anime too often leaves me feeling restless and hollow. i demand closure.
i'm not sure what you mean by impact. impact on the West?
The stories people care about, that seem actually capable of really reaching people, seem to be manga and anime. Overwhelmingly so. It's what the humans are into.

You can watch Japanese movies if you like, even then you probably don't mean the 2024 line up, you probably mean the entire history of Japanese film. Every medium looks good if you line up everything all together. Especially anime and manga. Western film is brilliant if you let yourself go back in time. But with anime and manga I can justify the time without doing that.

i'm describing my problems with Anime because i care about anime and think it can become better. nested within America's innumerable cultural diseases could be the same disease or a similar disease to whatever is causing the writer of haruhi suzumiya to think he doesn't need to finish his story before dying. that isn't really relevant to my interests.
Anime doesn't have problems. Like absolutely everything it could be better. Your tone doesn't read as "great but could be better". It reads like simpering cuckold lament. The ostensible "right" is full of people who degenerate into this when Japan is mentioned and it drives me fucking insane.

thanks for the recommendation. as i said before, i don't watch or care about television. i probably shouldn't have brought up Breaking Bad because doing so does imply that i believe Breaking Bad is reflective of Western media. it is not. i'm just obsessed with Breaking Bad and tend to use it as a measuring stick for everything. this past weekend i watched 2 movies and mentioned Breaking Bad when posting about both of them.
anyway, if mangaka have creative freedom, it doesn't matter what is happening in the West. anime/manga is a form of art that has not yet developed to the heights it can and should reach. the constraints placed upon Film (and also visual novels, to a lesser extent) seem to drive out some of these tendencies which have bothered me and severely diminished my enjoyment of this medium in spite of its freedom.
Yes, nothing is perfect. Which makes it interesting to look at what people choose to complain about and find problems in.


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Elite rep power
Nov 30, 2023
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How is a comparison of kind an insult? Shut the fuck up.
bigotry of low expectations :smug:
I would say Japan actually does it far more, just they do it well so it doesn't register as the same thing since we expect it to be awful.
really? it seems like we're nearly incapable of doing anything else over here.
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When we're talking about particular artists and particular works we need particular answers. There are plenty of Japanese narrative works which did finish in a timely manner. Perhaps the examples of finished works are more concentrated in bigger, more pipelined, and less creatively free mediums which demand results. Tomino had to finish Gundam because when producing TV you can't fuck around for years getting it perfect. You need your episodes by a deadline.

Miura was so successful he basically got tenure as an artist, many such cases. He was working again before his heart exploded, but I think he probably exhausted himself working as he did during the manga's main run. As for George Martin, he didn't stop writing. He's published thousands of pages since A Dance With Dragons. It's all secondary Westeros material. Novellists in general have a lot of freedom, so they can act like this. I imagine he gets absolutely stressed to hell when he thinks about writing The Winds of Winter because Westeros is such a dense picture in his mind now and he needs to get everything lined up perfectly. If it were tv he would have been whipped over the line by demanding bosses years ago, and maybe that would have been better, forced to pull things into line in an intuitive desperate rush, or maybe it would have gone as badly as the Game of Thrones tv show.

Anyway, the particular character of his work, extremely dense continent-spanning conspiracies, can't really be rushed or vaguely felt out. He needs to fill this stuff out top to bottom. There are forum threads talking about how the geography of Westeros reflects in universe environmental history which informs the cultures of the world. The work is dense. He needs time. I understand if he is stressed.

What we're seeing with Japanese artists and endings is a risk we run when talented autists are given a lot of freedom. They either want to expand insanely or they can just get tired or mentally hitch up. In general. Nothing stopping you investigating each particular case as far as you can.
let's talk about haruhi suzumiya in particular, then. the world and "lore" are extremely underdeveloped. this is not a Dwarf Fortress situation -- i would be surprised if Tanigawa sits down to write more than once a month or so. the latest light novel was released in 2020. in the Afterword, Tanigawa writes:
It’s been far too long. I’ve got to start things off by apologizing for making you endure an agonizing wait between volumes. I’m so sorry. I can’t apologize enough. I honestly can’t even think of any excuses; this is purely the result of chronic laziness and my stupid, stupid brain. For everyone going “I wasn’t exactly waiting” but who still picked up this volume, thank you.
he reproduces the following quote:
I believe that once a work has been “birthed” by its writer, the text takes on its own life, and readers are free to see and receive whatever they want from it, each person embarking on a unique journey. Rather than having the author go on at length about what is or isn’t there, why not allow the reader to experience it in person?
he continues:
...The Intuition of Haruhi Suzumiya contains three stories of very different lengths, but absolutely no important societal themes or even any particularly complex portraits of the human experience.
...before talking about how he came up with one of the stories while taking a bath and another from a random shower thought. he makes it clear that there is no overarching plot and that he did not plan out anything in advance. it is a slice of life with sci-fi elements, and Tanigawa is probably NEETing it up all day -- that's why it's been 4 years since the last novel.

there is absolutely no incentive for him to conclude "the story" because there isn't even really a story to begin with. The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (the movie) gives us a glimpse of what Haruhi could be if taken seriously by its author.

i have a feeling that ToAru is the same way, despite being slightly more plot-driven. as is Monogatari. as is Re:Zero.

did you know that Zero no Tsukaima only concluded because the author fucking died?
The first novel, Zero's Familiar, was published on June 25, 2004. The series ran until February 24th 2017, concluding with 22 volumes and several side novels. Unfortunately, due to the Noboru Yamaguchi, the authors, death, the series was put on hold for 3 years, only continuing with a 21st novel on February 24th, 2016. The 22nd and last volume was released on February 25th, 2017.
this is not an uncommon thing. i only know this because Zero no Tsukaima was one of the only harem-romance anime series that wasn't based on a visual novel (e.g., Clannad) that i watched (along with the similar Toradora) that provided closure. but canonically there was no closure.

all of these authors, with their freedom, are choosing to NEET it up until they die. the story arcs are quaint little things they come up with while taking a geriatric NEET bath. i have some hope for nishio ishin because of Katanagatari, which had an extremely bold and unusual ending for anime/LNs. he's also relatively young, although it seems like a lot of japanese people randomly die young due to Weak Body Disease.
The stories people care about, that seem actually capable of really reaching people, seem to be manga and anime. Overwhelmingly so. It's what the humans are into.

You can watch Japanese movies if you like, even then you probably don't mean the 2024 line up, you probably mean the entire history of Japanese film. Every medium looks good if you line up everything all together. Especially anime and manga. Western film is brilliant if you let yourself go back in time. But with anime and manga I can justify the time without doing that.
"humans" as a whole are into tiktok and disney star wars.
i watched seasonal anime for years because i was addicted to /a/. i forced myself to stop because i felt like my experience as a human was being impoverished by my poor media diet, which consisted largely of throwaway harem series where you pick "best girl" and then watch as none of the girls "win" in the end because that would actually end the series conclusively. occupying yourself with the entire history of media rather than social-media-media is universally superior regardless of the medium.
Anime doesn't have problems.
Like absolutely everything it could be better. Your tone doesn't read as "great but could be better". It reads like simpering cuckold lament. The ostensible "right" is full of people who degenerate into this when Japan is mentioned and it drives me fucking insane.


Yes, nothing is perfect. Which makes it interesting to look at what people choose to complain about and find problems in.
i am lamenting, because i slowly lost interest in following seasonal anime over time. i simply do not feel that my time is best spent with this medium anymore. i'm much more interested in visual novels and other things. i would be happy to change my ways and realize that actually, anime is in a Renaissance era and i'm missing out on this by not picking 4 random series to follow every season. but i don't think that what i want is what mass audiences want, and people in the industry who want to tell stories like Gen Urobuchi are not normal.


Low rep power
Jun 5, 2024
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Western media wallows in the mire of nigger and jew occupied world and Japan largely pretends it doesn't exist because they like nice things. I watch anime and see the legacy of what white people should be inspired by but for some reason Japan has to be the one to present it to me. There are many western films that show that legacy but now as far as I can tell it's either absent or disgraced in modern western media. I showed Violet Evergarden and some of the aesthetics of Attack on Titan to someone to showcase what I meant by nice. With total confidence he recommended I watch Bridgerton. Most westerners are going to need to be whipped and tortured until they understand the difference between nice things and their perversions.

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