The white nerds are troons now. Obsessive, analytical, isolated people with low self-esteem are fish food for sexually deviant terminally online subcultures, and basically have been since day 1 of the internet. A few of our BASED memes were delivered to normie social media by masochistic troons with taste browsing 4chan and forums like this one.
A lot of them are actually very thoughtful, self-aware, artistic people, although real troon talent often has an inverse relation to productivity, as is the case for many autistic-depressive perfectionist types. This ensures that lower quality work has space to float to the top. The most offensively bad example is leftist Twitter artists, but Soundcloud is a treasure trove of obscure transgemder bangers.
<- me gatekeeping the trooncore
Troons being good artists is another variation of the endless leftist meme that they have the creative gene and are high openness high status whatever the fuck else not wanting to cut off toddler penis means you are an irrational gated mind incapable of reflection etc.
As far as troons
can be decent at anything it's all white nerd core, and like leftist representation in anything, their presence is mostly political. You can bet your ass that your favourite video game's discord server is ruled by a transsexual commissar who governs with an iron fist and considers their presence a brand upon the work in question, making it
trans, and expanding the
trans are artistic and creative empire with more claimed territory.
But what the fuck have they actually made lately? As far as I know their great contributions to music are
Vektroid and half of 1000 Gecs (is that guy even a tranny? He looks just like every single other autistic scandi ever).
It's over chudbros... we lack the highstatuseugenicsopenness to do this...
This is part of it. A lot of anime is unbelievably cringe but it circumvents your cringe protection by being in a foreign language and being drawn. It's physically hard for me to watch bad actors read bad lines. Not a problem for anime. Other qualities of the medium can shine through when bad character writing and performances aren't as much of an issue.
I think about this a lot. I think that some kind of distance is good for OHRT. Social Realist standards are only good for gay retarded
serious works about Jews sitting in rooms talking about how fascism is bad, or Scarlet Johannsen yelling at her husband, etc. It feels weird when such standards are dealing with anything more than the mundane.
The same goes for music, people talk-singing highly idealistic or energetic concepts at you is weird. But if we create some distance, not necessarily through another language...
I think that Nightcore works because it's English rendered into a form that feels like listening to Japanese with subtitles. There's no mental block of "someone talking like this in my presence would feel retarded, what if cool nigger saw?" etc.
I also believe that Japanese dramatic standards to some extent do this.
Look at the plot of this movie. Why should these people be talking like subdued
naturalistic (lol) Jews in a drama about getting divorced? This movie is a caricature of reality, naturalist human elements would not fit.
The meme that the Japanese act funny in their live action media is the most retarded, provincial, japan only racist meme. It's so fucking stupid. It brings to mind some dumb fuck standing up in the audience of a Noh play and screaming "why the fuck are they TALKING like that?"
I think I agree with this but I need to consoom more to decide. FLCL is one of the only shows that ever really "touched" me. I must have found it at exactly the right time.
How does this subject make people so overwhelmingly retarded? How is the thought you are replying to not so on its face retarded to you that you ignore it or tell him to fuck himself? "Western Film is better than anime". What the fuck is that supposed to mean? In what universe is that a meaningful statement? Fuck you all. Woodcut Printmaking is superior to Western Film. Refute this statement or shut the fuck up and let this be my thread from now on.
Also FLCL is an OVA, which is a whole other dimension to the Japanese media quality question. One of many accepted forms of media release over there that helps to facilitate high personal creative inputs and production values. The Japanese are so much better than us at media because their cultural standards and media infrastructure are fucking incredible compared to our own. The opportunities for artists there are absolutely incredible compared to our own society. You don't get to make anything at the scale of an OVA over here and get anybody to look at it. What's our equivalent? Straight to DVD film? You still need to know 50 Jews to get one made and millions of dollars and nobody will watch.
A lot of anime/manga is structured like the Divine Comedy. The author has something to say or something to show you, but they don't really know how to work it in to a complete narrative, so it ends up being more like a tour than a story. Anime is notorious for tactless exposition and the whole genre suffers for it.
"They don't know"? Fuck you, this is just a way to do something. Anime is notorious for tactless exposition? Yeah when I think western television I think
tact. Here is what Western Television putting on its THEMES hat looks like. Everyone who ever tries to say that western television has a serious and prestigious history should be strapped down into the clockwork orange chair and forced to watch this for 12 hours straight.