good youtube video essayists


nazo nazo
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Elite rep power
Nov 30, 2023
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lily alexandre is literally transgender and identifies as a marxist why are u downvoting me


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Apr 16, 2023
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Just say ur a bigot and move on :faggot:


Disreputable member
Deceased (RIP)
Jul 27, 2024
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lily alexandre is literally transgender and identifies as a marxist why are u downvoting me

Lily passes as a woman, and his personality isn't overbearing in the video, and neither is the fact that he is a Marxist. He is probably the least offensive tranny I have ever watched, better than any female video essayist I've seen. Honestly, there's something unusually pleasant in a feminine way about his presentation that is different from watching any similarly competent male "cis" essayist, let alone a female one. I'm mainly talking about his voice, appearance, and professionalism (basically, I like being lied to). When any part of his personality shows through quips and his sense of humor it is not entertaining. His video is well-written and lucid, and he's generally successful at making writing sound like natural speaking, which I guess is the most a video essayist can strive for in terms of delivery.

He successfully critiques Bryan Johnson's personal philosophy, integrating an analysis of his life experience, including his Mormon missionary background, education, and an interesting connection to aspects of Mormon theology and his business background and their possible later influence on Bryan Johnson's technocratic philosophy of optimization.

The video essay reveals that Blueprint, Johnson's health optimization business, is merely hyping the idea of life extension and super intelligent AI and makes money through lifestyle products like supplements. It is not certain these technologies will manifest in the future and are at least decades away, but they are what Johnson is banking on to cure all diseases and the like. Most of the companies that Johnson has invested in and involved himself with supposedly pursuing these goals are either failed, flailing, or inactive.

He also discusses the facade of Bryan Johnson's brand and health regimen. Johnson spends millions of dollars and dedicates much of his day to his obsession. In reality, the buzz around his supposedly advanced health practices is overblown. His content which details his lifestyle demonstrates that Johnson's health regimen is essentially conventional, though admittedly rigorous, revolving around diet, sleep, and exercise. Much of the apparent complexity of his health regimen includes dubious measures of physical health. He's not even really doing science; he's had so many different operations done that he could never be a test subject. One of his stated goals is to enslave himself to his routine and remove his consciousness and mental faculties from decision-making. Essentially, he wants to alienate himself from reality using technology acting with no self-awareness as he does so. This is similar to the Mormon doctrine that a material, profane man became a perfect, spiritual God, and that all humanity can strive eternally to greater perfection. Due to his Mormon background, Johnson requires a kind of moral certainty that he seeks in optimization and science.

This part is funny (wholesome sincere revelatory moment)

Society's most telling problems:

Libraries closed on Sundays
Police armories
Campus administrations conspiring with weapons manufacturers (not Zionists)
Millions of people secretly disappearing

Sorry that my response was written like homework. I think I hit on all the main things I like about the video. I'm near the end of my second viewing now and I'm beginning to feel the urge to kill him. And obviously, the main thing driving the essay is that Johnson is kind of cool. If feels soulless this time through; I take it all back :cheer:


nazo nazo
Staff member
Elite rep power
Nov 30, 2023
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i didn't read your post where you tried to debate me about some marxist tranny being sexy and intelligent or something
moon brah is funny and silly, no one thinks he's going to achieve eternal life other than him
iirc lily alexandre tried to shoehorn capitalist critique into that video but i don't care enough to go rewatch and dig it out. i didn't finish the video the first time i tried to watch it
also i know this is a rude dickheaded comment but idc im pissed off today and haven't slept in 24 hours

anyway i came to this thread to post this but felt like i had to acknowledge the wall of text post


Disreputable member
Deceased (RIP)
Jul 27, 2024
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I wrote that on Monday night and then changed my mind the next morning :weed: