I suspect that Peter Greenaway is going become essential chudcore within the next couple of years. Get in ahead of the curve now.
This WAMV is made from his first conventional feature film 'The Draughtsman's Contract'. It's a film which is very much about
ideas, most of what Greenaway believes about art and people can be found in this one work. But it's not a difficult or tiring film to watch. It's very pleasant and entertaining. And the things he has to say are so cuttingly sharp that you might not feel like you're getting it just because it's so simple. But yes, it really is that simple.
Also he talks quite openly about what he believes and is trying to do as an artist constantly. If you listen to this man you can learn a lot very quickly. If you feel like you maybe
could get art but don't, I recommend Greenaway. Watch his films and listen to him speak. You'll probably have a good time even if you don't end up
getting it. At the very least you'll have a relatively obscure fancy name to drop on people in the future.
Oh and don't start watching his films with 'The Falls'. That film is the kinomantic equivalent of those NASA G-Force stressors. You will pass out from artfag shock.