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Nov 30, 2023
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Marcille I wanna bite ur neck off and swim in ur blood then have sex with your lifeless cold body then put you in a meat grinder and turn you into the burger you’ve always wanted to be and eat you


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Elite rep power
Nov 30, 2023
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“With the Jews gone, blacks are respectable once more. You can tell because they dress like candy asses again.”

“Golly gee Mr. Gage, that’s a mighty pretty white lady you got wit you, might just force mahself on her.”

“Look, he even gave me a heads up.”


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Elite rep power
Nov 30, 2023
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What a queen. She deserves to be loved, kissed, caressed, worshipped, cuddled, nothing bad should ever happen to her, she is an angel blessing us in this life. I can tell all this just at glance, I'm almost crying right now.


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Nov 30, 2023
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I was banned from Reddit for using real names to unveil the zodiac. It was a group of six teens/20s that killed as satanic offerings. Half were my relatives. AMA


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Elite rep power
Nov 30, 2023
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I believe cannibalism is the ideal diet, and in my opinion, it is the truest culinary display of “Might Makes Right”. If properly executed, it can become a naturally-harmonic solution that does not upset the Natural Order, since non-whites are currently ranked below animals in value. I believe this vision is properly paired with the Partial Nіggеr Death and the Human Biofuel ideas. Non-whites can be a great resource. They can be harvested for blood, organs, food, leather and a lot more, in fact, they can definitely be a proper replacement, or at least a better option for common livestock. This kind of cannibalism would be an Eco-friendly solution to animal slaughter and serve as a replacement for the artificial food soy-based veganism, since you can have all the “moral perks” of veganism without actually giving up animal protein and a proper, healthy nourishment. The future belongs to the White Race, and the total subjugation of the lower races into a different species is merely a matter of time. These non-whites will kept in farms, artificially blinded, their limbs broken and their bodies kept suspended from the ground by ropes as to hinder “tough muscle” development and ensuring the tenderness of the flesh, their jaw is broken and their tongue and uvula is cut off to prevent the gag reflex, death by choking, and to make space. Then, you force feed them by inserting a feeding tube that goes all the way through their esophagus and directly into the stomach. The food is a liquid mix of natural ingredients with the intention of maintaining a healthy standard of meat quality, while also fattening them up for flavor. Some of this is optimistic, in reality, it will not be an easy or fast process, but it is definitely the step in the right direction. There is much work to be done, but this is not an unattainable goal. As of now, it is true that eating nіggеrs can be considered quite unhealthy due to the high concentration of PUFA in their diet and the bio-accumulation of toxins. However, this can be greatly reduced and maybe even reversed. After several generations of being groomed into proper livestock, their limbs, eyesight, speech and other useless bodily functions would be eventually bred out of existence. I believe this forced procedure would accelerate their evolution into a new and unrecognizable species, revoking then whatever trace and semblance of “humanity” they currently have and properly categorizing them from homo-sapiens into something else befitting. This would make them a healthy meat option. This is my “Selective Breeding” (haha). In the meantime, there is also an option of picking, healthier, drug-free subjects for a “product test run” as a way to reduce any eventual issues the meat quality might have, since the safety of the end consumer is the top priority. For this, we can even employ a food safety organization to guarantee a parasite-free, low-toxin product. Another issue is that the human body takes quite long to reach adulthood but the sheer amount of non-whites we have would be sufficient to supply the demand for food, at least until their forced evolution is completed. Something that might prove tricky is public acceptance, but it’s nothing the right marketing team cannot tackle. When the average person buys meat in the supermarket, the thought of cruelty in the way the animal was slaughtered never even crosses their mind. Eventually, they will be desensitized to nіggеr death, and will simply buy the cheap ground beef without a care in the world. Convenience will close their hearts (and stomachs) to pity. “But it’s yucky!” Turning your nose at the thought of eating non-whites is the correct instinct, however, this is something easy to reason with. The live octopus is nowhere near as appetizing as the takoyaki. You must think bigger, you must think gourmet. A crucial aspect of high cuisine is elevating even the simplest ingredients, and a skilled cook can turn the cheapest, toughest slab of meat into the most wonderful meal. Trust me, when the time comes, you will eat your greens, yellows, browns and blacks. And you will like it.


Staff member
Elite rep power
Nov 30, 2023
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I fucking hate being catcalled by women on the streets, yeah yeah, I know I have a perky ass blah blah, get over it you horny bitches